Never More Suffering Than Now

The Truth Is

There volume and depth of human suffering has never been more than it is now.


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4 comments on “Never More Suffering Than Now

  1. Jeff knetzer says:

    Ridiculous. There is less suffering on earth now than ever before. Because of science and technology we have seen the elimination of dozens of evil diseases and maladies and even the end of “necessary “ suffering with the invention of anesthesia. Never before in history has there been so much abundant food and the rise if decent government to share it where needed. Because of the Information Age threats to life have been identified, shared and where possible, dealt with by governments.

    • NolaLola says:

      That is not true. I agree with the website creator that there IS in fact more suffering now than ever before.

      There is less “abundant food” now than ever before. Human developments and consumption are rendering most natural food sources depleted. You have an illusion of “prosperity”, but when stores stop stocking shelves you are going to realize that all your pavement, golf courses, and mown lawns don’t feed you.

      Governments still pose the greatest threat to human and non-human life alike. Governments exist to subjugate. “Decent government” is an oxymoron. As long as war and debt exist, your government is not “decent”. You are literally a subject.

      Because of consumerism, legitimized by governments, we are now facing an unprecedented mass extinction event and pollution is more widespread than ever before. Forests are being depleted, streams are drying up as bottling facilities are claiming more water, insects are dying, the oceans are basically for dumping human garbage….

      There is more UNnecessary suffering now than ever before. You are all just better at brushing it under the rug and pretending it doesn’t exist because you have “technology” and “science”. Humans are greedier now than ever before.

  2. silverpen123 says:

    Humans have always suffered at the hands of others in some form or another or because life and death are difficult. Nothing new. We just hear about it more because of technology and more humans on the planet.

  3. Ian Yoo says:

    Wow. Some one who I actually agree with. Yes! Humans are suffering more than they were in the past.

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