The Truthsayer’s Prayer (Sinners’ Fault)

This prayer is to ask God to intercede,even though the reason for the prayer
may be attributable to the problem to sin or evil or the devil.

We ask you to pray,  not for the sinner, but for those innocent people
whose lives have been shattered by the sins of the sinner.

Oh most merciful, benevolent, loving, omnipotent, omniscient God, hear my prayer. Even though you ordered Moses to murder children, I pray that you would change the hearts of all those who kidnap so that they would immediately release all, children and adults, who are kidnapped.  I pray that you would immediately heal all those who are still mentally and/or physically suffering from having been kidnapped.


Even though you tortured the Egyptians with 10 plagues,
I pray that you would change the hearts of all those who torture others and immediately stop all forms of torture. I pray that you would immediately heal all those who are still mentally and/or physically suffering from their torture.


Even though you condoned slavery and gave instructions on how to sell one’s daughter into slavery, I pray that you would change the hearts of all those who enslave others and we pray that they would immediately release all those who are currently enslaved. especially those who are enslaved in the sex trade.  I pray that you would immediately heal all those who are still mentally and/or physically suffering from their enslavement.


I pray that you change the hearts of those who prey on children either through molestation or slavery. I pray that you return those children who are enslaved to their loved ones and I pray that you heal those children who have been molested.


I pray that you remove the desire to rape from the hearts of those who rape and instantly heal all those whose lives have been shattered because some man raped them.


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