Jesus’ Own Words PROVE Bible Is Wrong

 Jesus Says He Will Return In Lifetime of His Audience

The first example of Jesus saying something that is provably not true has to do with the end times. Jesus tells his audience that the end times will come in their lifetime.

Verily I say unto you, That there be some of them that stand here, which shall not taste of death, till they have seen the kingdom of God come with power. Mark 9:1

Verily I say unto you, that this generation shall not pass, till all these things be done. Mark 13:30

And ye shall see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven. Mark 14:62

Verily I say unto you, There be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom. Matthew16:28

Verily I say unto you, All these things shall come upon this generation. Matthew 23:36

Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled. Matthew 24:34

Nevertheless I say unto you, Hereafter shall ye see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven. Matthew 26:64

But I tell you of a truth, there be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the kingdom of God. Luke 9:27

Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time. 1 John 2:18

Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass away, till all be fulfilled. Luke 21:32

This generation shall not pass till all (Luke 21:8-27) be fulfilled” Well that generation did pass and none of the things Jesus said would happen, happened. They did not see the Son of Man sitting on the right hand of power, etc. etc. etc. No spin can undo the damage this passage does to the whole Jesus story. The other above quoted passages reinforce the message that the end times would occur within the lifetimes of Jesus generation.

Note that Jesus emphasizes the truth of what he says by prefacing seven of the ten promises with either “Verily I say unto you” or “I tell you of a truth”. Could it be more clear? A promise from God prefaced with words that emphasize the truthfulness of what he says. Who among those hearing those words would not have believed what Jesus said? Answer – none of those in attendance would have doubted what Jesus said. You don’t even doubt today – even though the promises made by Jesus have not been fulfilled to this day.

Prayer Goes Unanswered In Spite of Jesus’ Promises

Jesus promises that, for anyone who has faith in his father, i.e. “the one who sent me”, prayers will be answered and the person praying will receive whatever he asks.

Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. Mark 11:24

Ask, and it will be given you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For every one who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. Matthew 7:7-8

For truly, I say to you, if you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you. Matthew 17:2

Again I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them. Matthew 18:19

I tell you the truth, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and it will be done. If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer. Matthew 21:21

“Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.Luke 10:19

“Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I go to the Father  John 14:12

Whatever you ask in my name, I will do it, that the Father may be glorified in the Son; if you ask anything in my name, I will do it. John 14:14

If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.  John 15:7

And, saving the best (worst?) for last…

And these signs will accompany those who believe: in my name they will cast out demons; they will speak in new tongues;   they will pick up serpents, and if they drink any deadly thing, it will not hurt them; they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will recover.  Mark 16:17-18:

Of course none of the things promised by Jesus are true. You do not receive “whatever you ask for in prayer”,  you cannot “drink deadly things and they will not hurt you”, you cannot “lay your hands on the sick” and have them recover. Oh you who believe in Jesus and who pray in his name, can you do any of the things Jesus promises you can do? Of course you can’t. Why not?  Jesus promised you could.

Here again, we have irrefutable proof that the words of God are not true.  Falsification number two.

Words Not Heard

There are multiple events in the Bible where Jesus is quoted but, given the situation, it would have been impossible for anyone to have heard what he said. Here are two the the events.

Just Before the Crucifixion

And he was withdrawn from them about a stone’s cast, and kneeled down, and prayed, Saying, Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done. Luke 22:41-42

 A stones throw is pretty far. Why go a “stone’s cast away? To get privacy. Jesus advocated private and quiet prayer.. as in a closet. Matthew 6:5. Therefore, how does anyone know what Jesus said if he was a stone’s cast withdrawn from them? So, here in Luke 22:41-42 we have words attributed to Jesus that no one could have heard or known. Falsification number 3.

During the Crucifixion

Luke 23:39-43

And one of the malefactors which were hanged railed on him, saying, If thou be Christ, save thyself and us.
But the other answering rebuked him, saying, Dost not thou fear God, seeing thou art in the same condemnation?
And we indeed justly; for we receive the due reward of our deeds: but this man hath done nothing amiss.
And he said unto Jesus, Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom.

And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, to day shalt thou be with me in paradise.

Now just who was it that recorded that conversation (green and red words) ? Luke was not present at the crucifixion. None of the apostles were there. They had all run off.

Furthermore, it would have been impossible for anyone to have heard the conversation. The three were talking to each other, not shouting – note the verb used to describe the conversation; “saying”, “said unto Jesus”, “Jesus said”. In their agony they were carrying on a normal conversation that no one could possibly have heard.

Here is an unusual bit of evidence that this observation is correct. Apparently, Filipino devotees have themselves nailed to the cross every Good Friday. This year (2015), a microphone was attached near their mouths so the perverse onlookers could hear their words. Well, there was a glitch in the microphones so NO ONE HEARD WHAT THEY SAID. Check it out HERE.

It appears that these are very important words; what Jesus said while he was on the cross. Why have not the other three apostles reported this conversation? Because it never happened and even if it did, it could not have been heard and even if if could have been heard, there was no one there to record it. Remember, the apostles had all run off. The whole thing is fabricated by whoever wrote Luke.

Behavior Unworthy of A God

Jesus Prays To God – Say What?

If Jesus is God, to whom is he praying? Why does Jesus have to pray if he is God? Whatever spin you put on this it doesn’t work.

A Dead God?

Jesus died on the cross for our sins. We all know gods can’t die so if Jesus is God, how is it that he died?

 Delusion Meets Reality

And finally, we come to the point where Jesus realizes that his visions of being the Messiah were just that… visions.

My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? Mark 15:34, Matthew 27:46

Jesus realizes that whatever he thought was going to happen, wasn’t going to happen.

We use the word “thought” here because, Jesus, if he truly were God, would have known that he was going to be on the cross for nine hours. The fact that he cries out indicates that he was expecting something different.

Of course, Jesus’ last words on the cross are changed by the time, 20- 30 years later,  Luke and John get around to writing their versions of Jesus’ death. It’s quite unseemly to have your God cry and whine and scream like the Filipinos mentioned above.

Jesus Refers to Things in The Old Testament That Did Not Happen

We have seen that the Old Testament is filled with errors; i.e The Bible Is So Wrong About So Much, Why Do You Believe Any Of It“. However, Jesus quotes extensively from the Old Testament and believes it to be true.

Since Jesus is God and God is omniscient how is it possible that Jesus quotes from the Old Testament, knowing that it is wrong? How can the omniscient God/Jesus/Holy Spirit use passages from the Old Testament when it knows that they are wrong?

  1. Historical Reliability
    1. Jesus affirmed the historical existence of Adam and Eve (Matt. 19:4-6), Jonah (Matt. 12:40), Noah (Matt. 24:37-38), Moses ( Luke 24:27)  and Sodom and Gomorrah (Mark 6:11).
  2. Scientific Reliability
    1. Jesus affirmed that God created the world (Mk. 13:19; cf. Matt. 19:4).
  3. Jesus even made reference to the wrong set of 10 Commandments. See The Bible is Wrong About the 10 Commandments.
      1. Exodus 20:13/Deut 5:17 – You shall not commit murder (referenced twice)
      2. Exodus 20:14/Deut 5:18 – You shall not commit adultery (referenced twice)
      3. Exodus 20:12/Deut 5:16 – Honor your father and mother (referenced twice)
      4. Exodus 20:15/Deut 5:19 – You shall not steal (referenced once)
      5. Exodus 20:16/Deut 5:20 – You shall not give false testimony (referenced once)


We have found four instances where the words (or lack of words) are clearly false or ungodly. With the bible proven wrong about Jesus, how can you believe what you read in the Bible?

326 comments on “Jesus’ Own Words PROVE Bible Is Wrong

  1. neto53 says:

    Mateus 16:28 – This verse seems to confirm the above explanation, as our Lord evidently speaks of the establishment of the Christian Church after the day of pentecost, and its final triumph after the destruction of the Jewish polity; as if he had said, “Some of you, my disciples, shall continue to live until these things take place.” The destruction of Jerusalem, and the Jewish economy, which our Lord here predicts, took place about forty-three years after this: and some of the persons now with him doubtless survived that period, and witnessed the extension of the Messiah’s kingdom; and our Lord told them these things before, that when they came to pass they might be confirmed in the faith, and expect an exact fulfilment of all the other promises and prophecies which concerned the extension and support of the kingdom of Christ.
    From the circumstance mentioned in the conclusion of this chapter, we may easily see the nature of the kingdom and reign of Christ: it is truly spiritual and Divine; having for its object the present holiness and future happiness of mankind. Worldly pomp, as well as worldly maxims, were to be excluded from it. Christianity forbids all worldly expectations, and promises blessedness to those alone who bear the cross, leading a life of mortification and self-denial. Jesus Christ has left us an example that we should follow his steps. How did he live? – What views did he entertain? – In what light did he view worldly pomp and splendour? These are questions which the most superficial reader may, without difficulty, answer to his immediate conviction. And has not Christ said that the disciple is not ABOVE the Master? If HE humbled himself, how can he look upon those who, professing faith in his name, are conformed to the world and mind earthly things? These disciples affect to be above their Lord; and as they neither bear his cross, nor follow him in the regeneration, they must look for another heaven than that in which he sits at the right hand of God. This is an awful subject; but how few of those called Christians lay it to heart!

    A simple Bible study is enough to understand and understand all four passages, the many metaphors contained in the Bible and it is not for ignorant people like the owner of this site who is unable to study and understand and thus interpret and understand what is written in the Bible. the bible is inerrant, people are the ones who are silly, lazy and ignorant, in the sense of studying the bible.

    • TW says:

      Bible Study: where you go to learn what Jesus meant to say.

      The idea that the temple was destroyed after the events in the NT is clear nonsense – none of the Gospels was written until well into the following century (and the century after that for the fourth one). Who by, we’ll never know as they are unsigned, but there’s nothing impressive about predicting things that have already happened.

      “The bible is inerrant,”

      It’s not even coherent. It is riddled with simple errors and morally repugnant examples.

      “Go home and be a good slave,” as Jesus would say.

      Or maybe try thinking for yourself instead?

  2. exposingthetruth says:

    The truths this blog post revealed – things that should have been obvious to me all my life that I failed to see – have left me in tears of both liberation and frustration – liberation from the superstitious, oppressive burdens of religion (especially Christianity) and the frustration of a wasted life, waiting for ‘the end’ to come and for God to kill me for not being perfect, despite the hypocritical ‘good news’.

    Years of being told and believing that the things I naturally gravitate towards and aspects of my nature (my 6th sense, among them) were evil and the years I spent trying to stuff them back down inside of me and deny them.

    Religion is pure EVIL!

    You only need to witness Stephen Fry’s personal testimony about religion to get a wake up call about just how evil it truly is:

  3. Blessed says:

    I am praying for all you chosen to be lost souls

  4. Matt says:

    1. If Jesus was real, he was not God and never said he was. He would be the son of God, conceived by holy spirit.
    2. I am having a crisis of faith. I totally believe in God, I have had 2 experiences that were supernatural and during prayer.
    My struggle is whether Jesus is real and is who the gospels say he is. The old testament refers to a future messiah. How much of the Bible has been edited, changed etc.. over the last 2000 years.

  5. Christian says:

    a few comments:
    1) did you read the whole Bible? read the context? sometimes things aren’t literal, they are ancient lingo or idioms. when people say “there’s a frog in my throat” of course they’re not literal. when Jesus “sweat drops of blood”, people said “that can’t be!” but if you look it up on the internet, doctors have found a disorder where under extreme anxiety people have sweat blood. if you have questions about Christianity, you can ask a pastor or the online community at
    2) the reason not everyone is healed or is immune to poison etc is not due to lack of God’s goodness; rather, God used everything for His glory. when the 5 missionaries were killed in Equador in the mid 1900’s, their wives went back later to continue evangelism. the fact that the missionaries died brought the Auca Indians to God because of the faith of their wives. See, bad things can lead to good.
    3) i can tell by your tone of voice, author and some commenters, that you are skeptics. that’s fine, you can think what you want, i’m not condemning you. just wanted to point that out to future commenters who may believe that this site is a neutral approach to information. so you know, i am a Christian and i’m giving my opinion, feel free to ignore it if you want. i didn’t read all the 300 or so comments, just the top fifteen.
    4) i encourage you to take a look at the Bible, for free at i encourage you to do research before accusing Christians of being hypocrites (which, sadly, Christians aren’t the best at setting examples) or comdemning these commenters of intolerance of the Bible. you made a good point, author, that God doesn’t [insert: always] give you what you ask for, and you don’t [insert: always] survive poison. at the same time, one comment is correct: the one about the Chinese lady surviving poison. God does do miraculous things, not always, but for His glory and the benefit of believers.
    i hope you take my comment into consideration. thank you.

    • Idiot. Still, keep it going. Ignorance is pure bliss – with silly promises added on which can also later be ignored, claimed to be just ‘not literal’ when they absolutely don’t work out – yes??

  6. Jesus Christ says:

    you don’t understand the meanings.
    you follow satan

  7. TimothyBoggs says:

    Anyone who has not the Spirit of God, can interpret scripture. Period. The Scriptures and words of Christ are understood by the regenerated mind and spirit, not the unsaved. Ignore the unbeliever and follow Christ’s instructions not to “CAST PEARLS BEFORE SWINE”. The only thing you can challenge them to do is seek God with an OPEN heart, and leave them to the God of creation to deal with. The thread was started by one who is blind and dead in sin.

  8. truthseeker says:

    wanna talk about this kind of stuff some time? I would be willing to have a structured argument with you. Although, it would be nice if you did not overwhelm me with questions right at the start.

    • truthseeker says:

      btw i am a believer in Christ

      • jon simonis says:

        you are not a believer in Christ .A generation can be as long as 100 years .As far as drinking any deadly thing goes. That applies if you are filled with the holy ghost and you accidentally drink something poisonous it won’t harm you .I heard of a lady in China the police were torturing and they poured poison down her throat and she was unharmed.

      • Vlad says:

        Prove you are a believer in Christ! Jesus said whosoever believes in him will do the works he had been doing and even grater works. John 14:12. Can you do those works that Jesus worked?

  9. Bill says:

    Verily I say unto you, That there be some of them that stand here, which shall not taste of death, till they have seen the kingdom of God come with power. Mark 9:1

    So here, Peter, who knows he will die for Christ (John 21- a great reference for this topic.) Explains that he is an eye witness of the coming of Christ, he counts himself as already having seen the glory to come, because of the brief previews he got during the transfiguration, and the voice from heaven

    One must read the Zechariah scripture very carefully and fully understand the context to correctly interpret it.

    The point is that who Jesus really is and was was never seen. The Transfiguration was the closest anyone came to see who Jesus really is. Jesus certainly didn’t mean that some of his disciples are still alive now like they were then. Jesus was basically saying that some of his followers would see his glory before dying. Most of them would have to die before they got to see his glory, which would be many years a way.

    • Colleen Norholm says:

      Jesus did come in that generation just as he said he would. Read John Noe’s Book “Unraveling The End”. He uses the Bible and recorded history to prove that Jesus came in AD 70.
      As far as what the Bible says about one day being as a thousand years., Hermeneutics says that you need not just one scripture but three as support for a belief. The fact that most Christians don’t manifest the same or greater works that Christ did correlates directly with this false, unscriptural belief in some future coming of Jesus. He came. His work for us was completed. We just have to give up our belief in the traditions of man and believe in what the Bible says. “Youtube/lynnhiles/johnnoe”

  10. Robert Rouse says:

    Jesus Christ came to this sinful world as a humble servant. Not as your Justifiable Human experiment. “I Am” is the Peace, Grace, Hope and Strenght of this world. I hope when death visits you- your last words are greater than GODS. Love you. Prayer works my friend! Thanks

    • mainman34 says:

      I can tell you one thing your right because they nothing about the real jesus i told you last time ! the real book you dont have he was black a black jew they hid the real book .and the words was different the jews in the country over in isreal now is not the real jews the ones they slaved in the US is and the real book that they lieing about is fak SORRY.i know about the real book the black jews are not going to tell you becuse its not for gentiles .

      • you are blind. Jesus spoke in the Gospel of John, ” when the comforter comes, he will teach you all things in Truth.” can they hide the Truth from the Truth giver? Stop producing confusing.

    • Jeremiah Jones says:

      Then as a Christian, you do not believe in the Bible as you are making your own interpretations, as Mark 9:1 King James Bible
      And he said unto them, Verily I say unto you, That there be some of them that stand here, which shall not taste of death, till they have seen the kingdom of God come with power.KJV. Plainly states that he will come in the lifetime of some of his disciples.

      • mainman34 says:

        He only came to save isreal not others a tribe the 12 tribes of yahweh its a lot you dont know they lied about .

      • Jeremiah Jones says:

        Well, the Bible is all lies, that I know, and the twelve tribes of Israel were long gone before the advent of the man Jesus.

      • sandman666 says:

        It’s most refreshing to hear the other side of that Jew authored crap argument other than what most are brainwashed by while growing up.
        “Words can indeed be wasted if you don’t have a full grasp of the situation!”. That’s what my HS physics professor used to say a lot l’m of the devil? We’ll this is how my family looks at me because I refuse to believe in this god dude living up there somewhere in that toxic cemtral laced sky.

        I like this cool website because it gives the wise a place too exercise a little bit of that free will jazz. Here we can reflect find see and study things as opposed to that one lousy book of ancient superstitionial nonsense.
        Lastly, as far as this Jesus dude goes, why worship something that’s all talk and zero action? I mean worship is a two-way street and any god worthy of my worship would be scrutinized by same. Why would anybody waste any of that precious time on one mean bastard whom lives in the pages of an ancient book loaded with tall hard to believe stories and tons of hearsay accounts from a bunch of long dead jews…

        Epilogue: one thing I can say about the christian religion is they do indeed have one hell of an obsession with death and torture…..

      • Jeremiah Jones says:

        As an early Christian researcher for over six decades and being a Humanist how is good without God for the same period! I find Christianity like all other religions was built on lies and forgery to authenticate its religion, and perpetuated to create a living as Pope Leo X (1513-21) tranclated into 16th century English “For on a time when a cardinall Bembus did move a question out of the Gospell, the Pope gave him a very contemptuous answer saying: All ages can testifie enough how profitable that fable of Christe hath ben to us and our companie.” The Pope in this case being Leo X. Later accounts of it exist, as recorded by Vatican Librarian, Cardinal Baronius in the Annales Ecclesiastici (1597) a 12-volume history of the Church.

        If the 666 on your nom de plume is to represent the mark of the Beast I must tell you that you are behind the times as the discovery of an earlier manuscript states the sign of the Beast is 616 and not 666.

      • mainman34 says:


      • Jeremiah Jones says:

        Yes, the Bible should be referred to as the “bad book and not the good book.”

      • Abdou says:

        1, Behold the kingdom of God is within you, remeber execpet judas they all received the holyspirit in Jérusalem as jesus promisesd. Remeber one of the desible
        2, one of the desciples just before he god killed by the mob he saw jesus sitting on the wright hand of God.

    • ISawHerobrine457 says:


      • you have been blind and drunk poisons long time ago. Everything is laid bare before the Lord. He draws those who fear Him. He chooses those who follow and obey Him. He elects those who work hard with Him. if you love darkness and evil, stay where you are and let others to pass.

  11. Larry says:

    For god said all things are possable threw me,
    For if you pray for your sins and ask to be forgiven in your heart of hearts and do not commit that crime again then you shall be forgiven for god is with you, for he is a live in every thing.
    Imagine a world with out the ten commandments, for to live in that world would be hell on earth, where murder, rape, theft, child melistation, incest, and adultery were every day occurrences for a world like that is not where I would want to raise my children in fear that they might have no morals, empathy, or love and understanding for I would not want any such thing to happen to my children or childrens, children. For our laws are built apon these 10 conmanents and I’m forever eternally grateful knowing these laws are there to help insure my children stay safe.

    • charles coryn says:

      who is Larry?

    • Jeremiah Jones says:

      If your god is everywhere why does he not show himself?
      The church itself has broken the so-called Ten commandments, check your history!
      The church is doing this child sexual abuse/child molestation as you call it
      So I say imagine the world without God, how safe and peaceful it would be and there would be no sectarian killings or church crusades. A free world without mumbo-jumbo superstition.
      Cofion (regards)

      • charles coryn says:

        People really must study anthropology and the evolution of our species to understand religion. Children growing up in christian countries don’t learn anything regarding evolution, which is the problem to my mind. They learn the fiction of a god creating the world 2000 years ago. But for thousands and thousands of years people had lived at a survival level and knew near nothing regarding the world, while now we are at the opposite extreme and have knowledge and science to guide us. Each hunting and gathering group made up their own water and wind spirits, and the gods and goddesses which gave them an identity that could not be falsified by someone from another group. Belief was, and still is a glue that binds the members of a group together, but at a cost. And that cost is the animosity and killing that still goes on, as today the Jews are still trying to take over the land that never belonged to them, where the Canaanites were living 2000 years before the Jewish God ever was conceived……..

      • mainman34 says:


      • Jeremiah Jones says:

        You will be surprised that most are not all countries and states are secular in Europe, even Ireland, Spain, and Italy are secular nations, only the Vatican City is not. Norway and England have their church, however, as a people, they are seculars as the hold a majority over the religionist. Check link.

      • mainman34 says:

        I study the real book the golden city this book is not online this book is salem seen black jews in isreal and other parts have this book romans and greeks did not make this book other race did .its name as well amen and bartomes i dont know how to spell most of the names get this you cant read them the word jesus was talking cant be read why! he did not talk the same way they talk today the white jewish and the black jews talked different yashua his real name did not talk like today books thats what they got wrong in the bible and thats not the real book.

      • Bill says:

        Whatever Trevor

      • mainman34 says:


        On Sep 25, 2017 12:22 PM, “The Church Of Truth™” wrote:

        > Bill commented: “Whatever Trevor” >

      • Bill says:

        You want to see a miricle? Turn your television channel to Benny Hinn show. He does miracles all the time. You can look him up on youtube and see the amazing miracles for real. Many people are healed.

      • ISawHerobrine457 says:

        charles coryn, according to the lying Bible, the world was created by that fake God 6000 years ago not 2000. But, either way, dinosaurs disprove Genesis. Carnivorous dinos, especially the Tyrannosaurus Rex and Spinosaurus, would’ve eaten Adam and just about everything else there. Plus, the dinosaur fossils also disprove Genesis. The Bible says that Earth has existed since 4004 BC (6012 years as of 2017), however, dino fossils prove that the Earth is AT LEAST 120 million years old, and SCIENCE proves that the Earth is over 1 BILLION years old.

  12. James Zimmerman says:

    When he said they will be in kingdom of God he was talking about the kingdom of God that’s in your heart on Earth.

  13. Enid A says:

    The Holy Bible w is inspired by God to the men who wrote it; each apostle, giving what was most impactful in the memory of their experience.
    Heaven and earth shall pass away but my word shall last forever.
    Let God be true but every man, a liar.
    Stand on your faith in the Holy Trinity and stop trying to reason or find fault in the Bible. Your mind is like that of the mind of a grasshoppers compared that of The Most High, who created heaven and earth by just speaking ithem into manifestation.
    Wake up, say the sinners prayer and allow the Truth to be revealed to you.

    • charles coryn says:

      You’re guessing and you know it…… Men have created thousands of gods, go look it up. And ‘God’, and ‘Jesus’ just won’t show up will they? Why is that? Yes, men create gods, gods don’t create men. Try ‘Guide to the Gods’ by Marjorie Leach, or ‘Encyclopedia of GODS’ by Michael Jordan if you really want to know. Your parents and your teachers and your preachers have all lied to you since birth in order to control you….. and it WORKED. You believe all the stuff your culture requires of you, whether it’s right or wrong. Like Christopher Columbus, treated as if he were a hero of some kind, but look at all the natives he killed and stole from. It’s painfull……..

      • sandman666 says:

        Yes, agree all we have is one very old jew book at best ? Ya would think if there’s so much at stake (the damnation of the soul?) there would be much more than just mere words which have only obtained the level of hearsay at best. Granted you don’t know me from adam. So I’m obviously just 1 out of billions. However, although we be strangers we do share the same interests like discovering the truth and rejecting all them damn lies.
        Like in a world overflowing with death, how could the death of this jesus 2000 years hence have any long lasting repercussions? Lastly, we have the standard law which states, “Time heals all wounds no matter how deep they run?” If there’s any truth to this we could say,”mankind got over the death of this Jesus long ago.

      • mainman34 says:

        The real book is called the golden city and its in words they can not read !but the slaves did that they slaved hung from tress that was the real peoples of ABBA the real book is not the bible thats in parts .sorry the black jews are not giving white peoples that book please your get mad and really start some s..t so why do that its for only ISREAL not others and the black peoples in the USA have that old slave book in they house some were not saying all of them but most have parts of it in different names .

        On Sep 24, 2017 10:21 PM, “The Church Of Truth™” wrote:

        > sandman666 commented: “Yes, agree all we have is one very old jew book at > best ? Ya would think if there’s so much at stake (the damnation of the > soul?) there would be much more than just mere words which have only > obtained the level of hearsay at best. Granted you don’t know ” >

      • charles coryn says:

        Yes, thanks for your reply. Regarding a soul, I don’t have one to the best of my knowledge. How would I know if I had one? Just another part of the myth I think. Regarding Jesus…… Try to imagine a kid in your neighborhood while you were growing up, who was 50% divine and 50% human. Do you think this fact of partial divinity wouldn’t make this child known throughout the area, that by word of mouth the story wouldn’t spread? But no, nothing is heard of Jesus until he is 28 years old? I can’t believe that. You and I know that any suspicion of anything extraordinary, much less divine, would be known, and would be spread by word of mouth very, very quickly. Jesus said repeatedly that he would return, and didn’t, or hasn’t, to my knowledge. There is no evidence for all the hundreds and thousands of spirits and deities that men have created….. do you have any evidence? Religion persists because we are all brainwashed from birth, and few escape the indoctrination.

        Yes, give me your money and I’ll promise you you’ll go to heaven and meet your family, and be happy forever……..

        On the other hand one might agree with J. Khrisnamurti, who in his book ‘Freedom From the Known” said that to call oneself christian or muslim or jew is to be violent…. “when you separate yourself by belief, by nationality, by tradition, it breeds violence. So a man who is seeking to understand violence does not belong to any country, to any religion, to any political party or partial system, he is concerned with the total understanding of mankind.”

        Yes, to me it appears that we are brainwashed from birth in order to establish a group identity, and the truth to me is that no one really knows what is going on, we’re all guessing ……..

    • Jeremiah Jones says:

      So much about your God’s inspired Bible!

      Books of the New Testament identified as forgeries by Ehrman
      First Epistle of Peter
      Second Epistle of Peter
      Acts of the Apostles
      Epistle of James
      Epistle of Jude
      Second Epistle to the Thessalonians
      First Epistle to Timothy
      Second Epistle to Timothy
      Epistle to Titus
      Epistle to the Ephesians
      Epistle to the Colossians

      Books of the New Testament that are False Attributed
      In addition to the eleven books of the New Testament Ehrman identifies as forgeries, there are eight originally anonymous New Testament texts that had names of apostles ascribed to them later and are falsely attributed. These are not forgeries since the texts are anonymous but have had false authors ascribed to them by others.
      Gospel of Matthew
      Gospel of Mark
      Gospel of Luke
      Gospel of John
      First Epistle of John
      Second Epistle of John
      Third Epistle of John
      Epistle to the Hebrews
      Bart D. Ehrman (2011), Forged, to numerous pages, HarperOne, New York. Also, check out: which is a Mennonite Brethren Forum
      Cofion (regards)

      • truthseeker says:

        So you think that all of these were forgeries, while almost all of them were willing to be crucified on account of what they believe? We also have accounts from Romans on how they persecuted Christians. Do you think they died with the possibility of these disciples of Christ just being some forgers? I would not be willing to say I was a Christian in Rome, unless… I knew what was true. People in Rome got throne to lions to be eaten by them. Would you die for your faith in, not believing the Bible?… I cant exactly answer for you, but you have no hope if you die for your faith. You will die, and that would be the end of it. Now for Christians, there is a hope of eternal life with God! Hopefully, this has helped your perspective on how you view the Bible.

        to Jeremiah Jones

      • Jeremiah Jones says:

        Yes, forgeries and Pseudepigrapha including interpolations, etc. Christians had the choice to live or die all they had to do was acknowledge Caesar on a festive day (probably once a year), however, they chose to commit suicide. We also have accounts from the Romans that Christians preferred to die than submit to Caesar, not forgetting that the Romans were polytheists and were very tolerant of the Christians at first, but it was the choice the Christians took that shocked the Roman citizens and the Senate.
        The Bible is the most controversial and contradictory book ever written, which is full of errors, most small, but there a big errors such as Mark 16:9-20, which is absent from the oldest manuscripts up until the 5th century.
        When we die we die no different to any other animal on earth.


  14. sandman666 says:

    That certainly does explain why this particular god is so clueless about a great many things. Like what constitutes as paradise? HEAVEN? No way evil wars break out there. Thus, that Jew book is all HEARSAY with no way to verify any of if for the authors are long dead! Dead! DEAD!.
    I get so disgusted every time i turn on the TV and they got some kid with no hair suffering from that g.d cancer? Ha,guardian angels my foot!

    I could state 10x10x10 more facts too expose it all like that LEFT BEHIND and 23 mins in HELL crap for starters but why bother with this lost cause. After all we are talking about countless centuries of brainwashing here making this irreversible……

    • timothy says:

      keep believing in yourselves ,when none of you will do nothing for no one but yourselves ,no one has even lifted a finger for you… but yahwehs son yashua or jesus is willing to help,giving us hope,unlike not having any faith in anything but self

  15. corynski says:

    Everyone lies to us from the day we are born…. parents, teachers, preachers….. all of them want us to believe what they believe, or do what they want us to do. Religion has always been a tribal identification, a unifying social convention that holds the group together. Notice that anthropology and mythology are not taught to children, for a reason. In essence religion is a brainwashing, but one with a noble intent, that is to hold the group together. There have been thousands of religions and thousands of gods and goddesses, but none ever show up. As is seen on this site, Jesus said many times that he was coming ‘right back’, but hasn’t made it yet.

  16. Zachary Funes says:

    There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true. The other is to refuse to accept what isn’t true.

    The bible is true and faith is not a belief in an absence of evidence it is simply believing in what you feel to be true and putting your trust in something you do not understand all the way

  17. Michael Spinks says:

    Also our tiny insignificant minds can not and will not fathom the depths of the power of god almighty

  18. Michael Spinks says:

    From what I’ve read on the subject Jesus the son, god the father and the holy spirit are one in the same . but I think prayers go unanswerable because people truly don’t be live no more.if there are true christans out there that the spirit of god has rested on for true faith in Jesus , then were are they , those who cast out demons, those who heal every sickness, bring the dead back to life, those who prophecy , I’ve met not one in my 31 years on earth

  19. Steve says:

    All the amazing things that happened over 2000 years ago!, walking on water, parting of water, world floods, talking donkeys, blind can see, lame can walk, one man can defeat thousands, water turned to wine, speak to the storms and tell them what to do, and on and on it gos!! Lies!! All lies!!.. Jesus says, “You shall see greater things than these” John 1:50

    • Colleen Norholm says:

      I have been healed instantly twice and I have seen others healed. You are hanging with unbelievers or you would have experienced this too.

  20. Jimk says:

    To understand the story of Jesus it is vitally important who read the Bible. This is how we can differentiate the scripture that tells of his birth death and Resurrection. In brief the story of Jesus begins with his mother Mary having conceived a child by the Holy Spirit while still a virgin. This is where the difference is between the spirit of God and the Flesh of Man. Everything that Jesus did in the flesh as a man was for our example as how we are to relate to Our God the Father in the spirit. If you read the Bible and do not understand it and expect another person to explain it to you it will still be difficult for you to understand. Because we look at it from The Human Side of life and not the spiritual side. You have to be able to see where God is coming from not from where man is coming from in understanding. I do admit there are some inconsistencies in the scripture but that does not detract from the message that is given about salvation… pray for God to give you the spirit to understand His will.

  21. Kabir says:

    It is the fact…. Bible is a dangerous book

    • Child of GOD says:

      The bible is a friendly one when u read it and understand gods love…It is the only living book…It is not like other religious books..It is the scene’s that was recorded by the people who experienced gods mIracles and power..They experienced gods love…God loved us first and then we …

      • Jesus freak says:

        You go child of God. They sadly do not realize that jesus is the lord of all.

      • Rene says:

        The bible is a bunch of incorrect information about how the universe was created, you would have to be completely ignorant of proven facts and common sense to believe it’s the work of a creator. santa Claus is also part of the bible yet Christians do not believe in his existence because science, laws of physics and common sense prove with out a doubt his existence is impossible, why this double standard? The bible says he’s real right? Ignorance is a real problem in Christianity, it’s like believing in Santa Claus just because the bible says he’s real. Son sad!

  22. Demon of Hell says:

    The bible is 1000% fictional and science has proven many things in the bible wrong. The people that believe the bible are more ignorant than a mentally retarded fetus. Just refer to scientific research and you will see that the bible is no more realistic than Harry Potter

    • Child of GOD says:

      My brother Demon Of Hell.The science itself follows the bible..Do u know that..U may not ..Science said that there are only few stars in space..But after reading the bible they understood that there are millions of stars in the space…Your name says that u are the follower of satan..I so ,try to read the bible and see the truth that it says,and god’s love..If u are a satanist then go and enquire with the ex satanist about how they are saved..You keep on believing that the bible is fictional then we believers have no prblm…Its u who will face the judgement…Be saved and know god’s love..

    • Enid A says:

      Science is the Science of satan

  23. Reasonandfaith says:

    Is this a joke? The post is seriously mistaken. The verses are clearly taken out of context and the actual meaning of the verses are not explained.
    Regarding Mark 9:1, the disciples and other believers were being referenced in their experience of the Kingdom of God and its power before their death.
    Regarding Mark 13:30, find the Hebrew definition or the definition of the word “generation” because most likely it was figurative, not meaning that literal
    Mark 14:62 is most nearly a reference to Stephen when he was being stoned, looked up, and saw Jesus sitting at the right hand of God.
    Regarding believing what you ask for you will receive, many times over in the bible we see people praying to God for something, and they receive what they ask for. Ask any believer in God if they receive what they ask for, and most will say yes. Anything can be scrutinized, so I’m not saying this is bullet proof. I’m saying its understandable from different perspectives.
    Regarding Luke 22:41-42, you weren’t there. There could have been someone he took with him. Who knows. It doesn’t say, and it’s a book over 2,000 years old. They didn’t think the same as us, with references and proof of everything we do.
    Regarding Jesus hanging on the cross, like before, no one knows what happened.
    When Jesus was dying on the cross and asked why God forsook him, that wasn’t because he thought God was going to rescue him. It was most nearly because he was human, in pain, on a cross (which he knew he’d be on because he told his disciples he would), and anyone anywhere would do the same in his position.
    The bible says God became man through the Holy Spirit, so Jesus must have been God and man, not just God, not just man. If he was both, he would have human emotions but godly wisdom, among other things.
    Instead of always trying to show how the Bible is false, why don’t we show how evolution is false, how Buddhism is false, or the countless other religions.
    Who was there when the universe created something out of nothing, exploded it, and formed planets? Or when some cell or whatever Darwinsim proclaims, evolved over billions of years to finally form humans? I don’t see how any of those things are more believable than the bible. It all comes down to which you choose to be true.

  24. albertchuck says:

    I am wondering right now,
    I wanna seek a truth too.
    1. But why Jesus must die for all of human sins if he is a God?
    2. Jesus pray to God? Why? He is the God himself.
    Anyone can give me an explanation?
    Sorry for my bad english.
    I’m just 13. 🙂 peace

    • Child of GOD says:

      He died for everyone because THE MIGHTY GOD loved us so much…He could have destroyed us completely .So because he loved us more than anything he send jesus to show a way for us to reach the father …This is why he died for us…Second he prays to god because their is someone more powerful than jesus..That is THE MIGHTY GOD who created everything..Jesus himself says my father is more powerful than me..So he prays to god but jesus is also god and human at the same time..

      • Tell me this. How is Jesus’s death so significant if they both knew that three days later Jesus would be sitting at the right hand of God the (his) Father?

      • Rene says:

        Just reading your response makes me embarrassed for you, that you actually believe that. How stupid are you?

    • Reasonandfaith says:

      He dies for us because we cannot possibly be perfect! God is perfect, always loving, always righteous, always just; never unrighteousness, unjust, or sinful. He is holy because of this, and cannot be around unholiness because he is Almighty and we would die. So, in turn, as the loving God he is, he made a way through a blameless offering, his Son, who willingly gave his life to have us reconciled to him.
      Jesus prayed to God because although he is all God and all man, he was still man. He is all God because his father, by birth, was God. All man because he was conceived by a human woman. This was done through the Holy Spirit, the spirit of God. So because he was man, he had to pray to be in communication with God just like we have to. That’s why Jesus can understand our pain, and why he cried out on the cross.
      The bible may seem contradictory, but it honestly isn’t. Hebrew words have many different meanings and interpretations, so I would be careful who you listen to. This post is not very truthful, as you can see in the comments below. I believe the bible is truth because:
      It is the only religion that offers salvation without you having to earn it;
      It is the only religion that offers a one-on-one relationship with God as a father-son-daughter;
      It is the only religion that already has your provision, everything is done, all you have to do is believe, confess that you aren’t perfect and have made mistakes, and know that Jesus the Christ died for you, me, and everyone else so we don’t have to pay for our own sins. It really is a beautiful religion.
      Everyone’s a skeptic, but I recommend you try it for yourself. It doesn’t take much!
      Best of wishes in your journey for Truth.

      • corynski says:

        How tragic that people will believe so much nonsense that cannot be verified in any way. The truth seems to be “give us your money and we will promise you blah, blah, blah……. The word is tithe I think, “promise us you will give us money every sunday morning, and we will promise you everlasting life, or anything you want.” How sad that people still believe this stuff when it is so obviously false. If you were a god who created this world, wouldn’t you at least show up?

    • Brandon says:

      Firstly God’s nature cannot be truly fully understood. Just as science cannot explain the Big Bang since scientifically “something can’t come from nothing” With that being said God (father, son and holy spirt) has no beginning! If the father caused his very essence to bring forth another entity (Son) then that son would be God(in nature and and quality) just as when a human has an offspring it’s offspring is human or when a dog has offsprings it’s offspring is a dog, however that Godly essence would have no beginning (God exists outside of time). So Father, Son and holy spirit existed together before time and created all things (John1:3) and mankind (God said let US make man in OUR image, and after OUR likeness Gen. 1:26). God stated that because of our sins we must all die (not the sleep we experience when we take our last breath but an eternal death). So God love us so much that after we decided to rebel against him he decided to make a great sacrifice for all mankind. Not allowing just a mere created being to take out place like an angle or just another human being. But by allowing his very essence which had no beginning and equal in nature (Philippines 2:6) to take human nature and experience suffering, pain and the eternal death. This is why Jesus said My GOD… MY GOD why have you forsaken me because for the first time in all eternity the Father totally remove his presence from the Son. Which is what God does to sin. Christ experience the second Death. God never totally removes his presences from any sinner because they would experience what Jesus did and as long as breath is in their lungs they have a chance for redemption. Hope this helps Albert

    • Taylor says:

      Sort of answering both questions at once… In the Bible it says that Jesus was 100% human and 100% God. There are some things that we’ll never understand about God. If we understood him completely then he wouldn’t be God. The trinity is one of those things that humans have trouble wrapping their minds around. It consists of God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. All three of these are simultaneously the same and yet separate. I’m young as well so no worries. I hope I gave you a starting point towards some answers however:)

    • kermit williams says:

      THEY GOT IT WRONG ! you see yahshwa is the son of yahwah and the peoples he was around was his peoples from a form of race ! it was a race of jews that he saved not for every body! thats were they lied at. it was for the chosen race of peoples and they all looked like him from slaves !sorry that tribe was yahwahs peoples and from father son and his peoples of isreal them that got slaved was his real peoples thats going to be saved not every other race ! sorry they reading a slave peoples book .

    • Ed Rodriguez says:

      Jesus is a god or judge because he had better judgement than the priestly judges in the Old Testament. Jesus died for all mankind to give all mankind eternal life for free so they will not be judged guilty for sin by Yahweh aka the accuser . See jesus died for all mankind so that means all died with him the wages of sin is death so there is no more sin and judgement for it he also defeated death that is why y he is able to give everyone eternal life freely accepted or not ,a free gift is still free ,price doesn’t change , last of all he finished all the work so no one will have to anything to get to heaven which is inside you not in the sky or the sea . Not even believing in him if you don’t believe that belief is a mental work look up the definition of work it will tell you the definition of work . Jesus died so we can be happy and live our lives the way we are r cause the true loving God not Yahweh truly loves us and does not and did not hold us accountable for anything and jesus came to remind us that we are neither sinners nor are we bad we are just sick and need help

    • timothy says:

      jesus was the sacrifice for all of our sins,in the flesh ,there is no god ,Yahweh is not a god ,he is yahweh

  25. kayanasavedbyJesus says:

    do not be lead astray by these false teachings.

  26. This article is not useful, it’s just manipulation and deception, if we are not to believe in Jesus Christ of Nazareth, should we believe in you,God exalted the name of Jesus and Gave him a name above all names that at the mention of the name of the lord every knee must bow and every tongue confess Jesus is lord.[phillipians 2:9]HIS NAME IS JESUS CHRIST,WHAT IS YOUR NAME?JUST CONFESS JESUS CHRIST IS LORD.He is my saviour, He lives in God and God lives in him, simple to understand,John spoke about his coming, the prophet Isaiah did
    [Isaiah 9:6 says. For unto us a Child is born,
    Unto us a Son is given;
    And the government will be upon His shoulder.
    And His name will be called
    Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God,
    Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
    7 Of the increase of His government and peace
    There will be no end,
    Upon the throne of David and over His kingdom,
    To order it and establish it with judgment and justice
    From that time forward, even forever.
    The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this.

    my brother just join the truth and experience Jesus Christ, he is more than Real

    Response from TruthSayer:
    Oh my gosh … such Xian blather drivel. Can’t you some up with something better than that?
    More proof for example. Tell me why, when my born again wife laid hands on our friend’s son and prayed that he be healed, he died anyway. Mark 16:18 says that the believing Xian can heal the sick by laying hands on the sick. She couldn’t. It did not work as Jesus promised it would. Jesus Christ was a liar.

    • Child of GOD says:

      Dude just believe and experience lord jesus’s love,i promise u ,u will not regret it.If i need to tell u some examples there is plenty of it.For your satisfaction i am typing an example ,their are x satanist’s who have accepted lord jesus and have told their experience about it .Their were satanist who could make people fall down.But their were some people who did’nt fall down with his power.
      They were believers, who accepted lord jesus as his saviour.Just believe in him and u will be saved.Second thing is that ,u said that their are mistakes in the bible said by jesus himself.The word is Verily I say unto you,= That there be some of them that stand here, which shall not taste of death, till they have seen the kingdom of God come with power. Mark 9:1…..These people are those who have not accepted jesus as their saviour….They are the last people living…Next thing is that ,Verily I say unto you, that this generation shall not pass, till all these things be done. Mark 13:30…..This means that the day when jesus will come [the dead will also rise Isaiah 26: 19-20
      “But your dead will live; their bodies will rise
      Your dew is like the dew of the morning; the earth will give birth to her dead
      Go, my people, enter your rooms, and shut the doors behind you;
      hide yourselves for a little while …until his wrath has passed by”] …….This is the meaning that all the generation will se lord jesus that day…U have noo evidence that the bible is wrong ….Try another one and i will clear it for u…..Accept the lord and be his son as he whats you to come to him and be his child…AMEN

  27. jay says:

    It is interesting that most of those who bash the bible have never studied it but merely read a few parts here and there. Let me tell you all a secret about the bible-its not for everybody but a special people whom God has called and chosen. The God of the bible has given his people his spirit which allows them to decode and understand the bible. It is foolishness to everyone else and was meant to be so. Jesus always taught his disciples in parables while others were present, why? so that only his disciples would understand. John 6 shows you that thousands of people walk away from Jesus because they could not understand or accept what he was saying; interestingly he did not try to convince them but let them go. Now if you desire to be apart of God’s chosen people or disciples he will NEVER TURN ANYONE AWAY- that is why he says ask and it shall be given he is mostly talking about being given access to his kingdom if you desire it. On the other hand if you have no desire to know God or be in his kingdom, or if you flat out reject God don’t expect that you will understand the bible or that he will come and plead with you to accept him; he will not. The only pleading God will do with humanity is through prophets, teachers and preachers he has sent to the world and that’s it; ignore them and you ignore God. God loves you but doesn’t need you!!! The bible says spiritual things are foolishness to unspiritual people and vise versa.

  28. sandman666 says:

    I’m surrounded by hopeless fanatics since some new birth jazz, in other words believers on all sides and yet I remain a skeptic scientist whon questions everything around me including the existence of this biblegod character too? I’m constantly demanding physical stimuli and not in the least satisfied with mere words chisel down in stone thousands of years ago. I’m busy today studying quantum physics in relation to the gravitational density of time and space via unified displacement theory. Naturally it’s quite complicated you could fill an entire blackboard with celestial mechanical gibberish if you had the time to waste.

    Thus, the first equation is why I don’t believe in that Biblegod creator of the universe dude and probably never will. People of the so-called faith tell me all the time I’m a fool because I believe more in science and not in this big daddy god dude whom lives up there in the sky somewhere in a freaking cloud called heaven? Ha i find fault in everything eventually like most of you and this Bible jazz is a biggie.

    If there were a god this entity would be in possession of an intellect a billion times that of we mere hunans. It would honestly know much more about the physics a planetary motion then our very best professors living today including past legends like Einstein Newton and Tesla.

    Lastly, if that scripture jazz was the real deal I could learn more from it then a library full of textbooks and unlock the secrets of the universe in just one reading. Nope, that Bible is pathetically limited when it comes to how stuff works.

    In conclusion, find it most disturbing that the god of that Bible is just as primitive in its thinking as the long dead jews whom wrote it too hopelessly enslave a multitude of weak minded creatures for all time….

    • Brandon says:

      I would be inclined to accept your very rational and scientific observation if human kind was not finite and ever learning. Your reasoning states that this God would be a billions times smarter than even Einstein. Which if he is then his book would explain all the infinite wisdom of not only the universe but his nature. The flaw in this thinking is that that would be in turn like Einstein(which by the way Stated that there must Be a grand designer, he believed in a God) teaching electricity and quantum physics to an infant. Wise men of the past have been killed or ridiculed for having scientific knowledge that went against the current knowledge. The nation that an infinite deity can give finite beings unlimited knowledge is flawed. Can you imagine yourself going back in time before fire was discovered and teaching them quantum physics they were probably stoned you or shun you instantly!!! You say the book was written to enslave but countless people experience freedom after engaging in its teachings… here’s my rational thought of the Day. If the book is false and a live accordingly to it at death I lose nothing… if the book is true and I didn’t live according to it I lose everything. I’ll take the first option all day and you being a man of reason would be inclined to do so yourself!!!

      • corynski says:

        Nonsense, you’ve wasted your life believing myths and untruths, you have no idea what you might have done or accomplished…. is that not a total loss of your life? You’re walking around thinking you are superior to others because you believe in an old book and some stories, well, you will have lost your intellectual integrity, if you have any idea what I’m talking about…..

    • timothy says:

      there is no god ,that’s pagan,he is Yahweh,and you could study all of that man made bull quantum psysics,but that wont get you anywhere soon.they are just starting to find out about the universe

  29. jagadeesh says:

    God is the power, which created all the things here on this earth, we should be thankful to that power through our heartful prayer coz it gave us life to live & to celebrate, God(Almighty power) soul is peace, it exists in lonely peaceful undisturbed forests place, this peace can do miracles, it can heal any kind of disease or pain, i can expand our life, coz its pure God’s love.. i believe in the mightiness of nature’s peace (god’s soul), but not that of a human ,

    ganesh was the one who was born with defect nose (trunk) , his parents thought to made him greater than ever, despite his defect, they wanted his born nose defect son to be praised by everyone, that’s why they created those fake stories to make people believe that he was god’s incarnation, only foolish people believe in those stories

    hindu deity shiva used to take different kinds of drugs everyday , once during(while in drugs) in his unconsciousness state once he whispered “om” which those foolish disciples in his time took that as a mantra, there started this thing till no ends

    in Hinduism there was one thing that was written by sages that every great person should be remembered, that’s why their closed people wrote fake stories to make that great person as god & constructed temples, this was what went on in Indian history

    i always had respect to the Indian sages who maditate calmly under a tree (by praying directly to this nature power but not any human), coz they are the one who can deliver god’s words for us to lead happy & peaceful life……

  30. jagadeesh says:

    how can a man (human flesh) become God?????? he may do great & miraculous things during his lifetime, he can become good, great, mighty, but not Almighty.. when Jesus told in his own words that i was sent by my father, pray & ask my father, why are you great people not believing nor following his words? why are you great people not going to lonely undisturbed peacrful forests & stand on a mountain & talk to our father (God Almighty) ask him (like Jesus Christ) what you need to live a righteous life? why are you great mighty souls fearing to accept the truth that Jesus was a prophet (a messenger & son of god, but not god) ?

    • Cippi says:

      Den hey u also accept dat ganesh was a hybridised elephant-human and not god!!!

    • Child of GOD says:

      True jagadeesh ….Glory to the one who is living…Their is no god in history who has defeated Death….Only he is able and will be forever..This site was started saying that bible is wrong….Their is no other book which has 5,800 complete or fragmented Greek manuscripts, 10,000 Latin manuscripts and 9,300 manuscripts in various other ancient languages including Syriac, Slavic, Gothic, Ethiopic, Coptic and Armenian…So the person who started this site is completely wrong…Holy to him who does wonders.AMEN

  31. John Baho says:

    Glory to him the giver of thoughts.he has help you to know that? And that is ours,with our offsprings.But there is one we don’t know? And that is him. He is that and this we know and we don’t know!# both is Him. Regulate to tell you that the Christian bible students are interested to seeing proven his wrong doings instead of proven God’s wrong doings?sir prove to me how did you came into insistence? Prove to how sperms and overmu make bones.prove to how can man made come together and say there is man in this world??? Do you thinking that car will ever understand tha sayings of aman? Come on baby I will I meet whenever you are I will prove to the invisible and visible world that God of the IS TRUTH % and is false %BOTH IS HIM.through the high Judge Jesus Christ. The son of a living God.

  32. jcr91275 says:

    I don’t know that the entire bible is true or if there is even a god. I believe that there is a god and some of the bible may be true. But what you are doing is making assumptions and claiming them as fact. There are in fact holes in your reasoning. You claim that god and jesus are the same person, which from my point of view is based on the bible saying jesus was god in human form. At first it sounds reasonable but what if it didn’t mean it literally but only that jesus represented everything god was in human form? That is the only way it would make sense that jesus was the son of god and that he asked why his father had forsaken him. That’s just one of your “proofs” but you force your own beliefs on something and call it fact, you don’t have enough info on the facts. There is no proof either way, only proof in ones own mind according to their beliefs.

    • Child of GOD says:

      True man….This person who made the site has less proof’s…He is just taking some information from the bible and claiming that he is right..Jesus was god in human form..Their is no person in history who has claimed so much about god….If he is claiming so many thing’s then there is something in that Right….So it is truly real that bible is right and god jesus is the only one with the true claim in history and he died for us…Believe him and u will be saved from the end times and u will dwell with him forever…The word FOREVER is that striked my heart ..Forever with him is wonderful right .Let his word be exalted forever .AMEN

    • timothy says:

      jesus is Yahweh in the flesh,he said that he was forsaken due to the sins that he took,for others

  33. jagadeesh says:

    Hello Mr. i told the truth i received frm the God Almighty & everyone will knw the truth very very soon & turn their hearts & prayers to our father God Almighty with the help of prophet Jesus!

    don’t believe everything that was written in the bible about Jesus, Jesus wasn’t there at the time of writing NT,

    Just keep your hands on bible & ask God this question, taking for an instance, Jesus said ” frm today onwards this john(the name Jesus kept to Mary Magdalene after she was baptised) is your son ……..” why did he said in that way like the one who was never going to return after death, there’s no need for him to say(to look after john) those words if he knw that he’s going to arise frm death after three days ?????? truth is Jesus thought ( because of traders priests roman soldiers disbelievers cruelty) it was the time to reach our father & may not return forever that’s why he asked to take care of john, Jesus never shed his blood nor died for our sins, Jesus gave everything in his life to make us walk towards god Almighty & heaven(kingdom of nature’s peace) & to have everlasting life, his main intention of his teachings was & is to bring everyone close to his father through good nature & sincere prayers.. seek,,you will find……f Every hidden Truth will be revealed as it was said by Jesus! Finally Truth Revealed

    stop arguing with me or planning an evil or grudge against me, i’m not asking to believe me, just Have a shower in the early morning & open bible & ask God, you can also receive the Truth from the bible itself!
    Live by the Truth & stand for the Truth! That’s it!

    • Child of GOD says:

      Just say this in your heart that LORD JESUS I BELIEVE THAT U DIED FOR ME ..I AM A SINNER ..PLS FORGIVE ME GOD..I BELIEVE THAT U ARE GOD AND THE LIVING ONE..FROM TODAY I AM YOUR SON…This is what makes u the child of god…Need any more help in this topic send me a message in my gmail[]AMEN

  34. nowayjose says:

    I am thankful for this resource. It is an evangelical instrument. This website reaffirms why Christians believe in The Lord of Lords and King of Kings. The arguments they use trying to disprove Jesus Christ was God’s son are a bit old and basic, and have been easily refuted. Nevertheless, it is good to be reminded that we do indeed stand upon a solid rock.

    Unfortunately, not many disciples leave comments here. These poor souls, the lost, are the very ones He came to seek and to save. Praying for them is good and proper. Taking a moment to correct their errors is important, as well. You don’t have to explain all their mistakes in one sitting. Just take one at a time.

    • KO - Son of Odin, the Lord of the Worlds, Smasher of Worlds, Lord of Asgard, the Old, the Wise Worshipper of Sacred Trees and Stones says:

      ” bit old and basic, and have been easily refuted. ”
      By whom? Not certainly you. You just wasted a few words here, presenting neither arguments nor evidence.

  35. jagadeesh says:

    sme of Jesus close followers killed Judas Iscariot for revealing Jesus hiding place, Roman Catholics were praying to Mary Magdalene but not Mary(Jesus father) because Mary Magdalene fled to France & performed miracles, she was mistaken as virgin Mary(Jesus mother), Jesus mother never claimed to be goddess nor deity, Mary Magdalene was the sister of Lazarus , she left everything & earned money & jewels in a wrong way to live luxurious life, she used to live all alone, Jesus changed her & became his first disciple along with her brother & sister & later closed disciple, she was really changed that’s why he loved her more than anyone

  36. jagadeesh says:

    our creator(Almighty power) died after creating everything around us, he(it) died, but his soul remained, those who follow his soul(reflection of a body’s work on its surroundings during its lifetime, after its death) means praising his beautiful creation will be given life of peace, praising means doing in accordingly to nature’s peace, Jesus did in accordingly, finally he was credited by his father’s(creator’s) soul & became the son of god during baptism, our father want this son to guide us to be like his son & have his soul & become the children of our father, we have to pray to our father in the way Jesus taught us, but instead of that we’re praying to Jesus, because Jesus desciples manipulated the truth & wrote stories that led to believe us Jesus was the father & also the son & also the holy spirit, no one in this world understood this truth, except me, coz i had spoken to our father, he showned me the truth in a vision, Jesus was a prophet, he can marry nor remain unmarried, its upto him, everyone even his parents considered him to be a mad man with thoughts about god, they left him, but with some hope, he performed meaningful miracles, he followed peace but at last he got angry & showed anger in the spoiled Jerusalem temple (which was made like business center), the merchants people traders priests got angry & complained to the officials, they were in search of Jesus, but Jesus was hidden, Judas Iscariot informed them that Jesus was sometimes visiting Jerusalem at night on a certain mountain, they caught Jesus, trial began, they decided to hang Jesus to cross without dress & make him & his followers supporters feel shame, so that he can’t lift his head up after severe hanging on the cross without killing (Crucifixion) Jesus, Pilate was enquired & later requested by Jesus relatives & thought that he might be facing psychological problem thinking himself as god’s son, in that problem he might made non sense in the spoiled Jerusalem temple, in his opinion how can he judge a mentally disordered person, that’s why he thought to leave,but merchants, priests were not satisfied & decided to make himself more shame by hanging him without clothes on the cross, he was ordered to crucicifixon, everyone(merchants priests officials soldiers proudful higher priests people) left the crucifixion place except family members, two thieves, two thieves relatives, mary magdalene, two thieves with relatives went off with wounds, everyone thought he would either go into forests away from jerusalem or live a shameful life for spoiling traders business in the temple, after the sabbath(one or two days after crucicifixon) jesus wasn’t died but informed that he was died (to everyone’s surprise) & buried in a grave, Jesus family members Mary Magdalene & arimathae Joseph knw the truth, roman officials sent the soldiers to check that grave place, but they found it to be empty, everyone thought his body was taken by his disciples, but disciples & followers who were in hiding at that time don’t knw abt this & thought he was dead & then risen by angels, Jesus then spent sme days with them in hiding & when romans officials soldiers jews priests were in search of the truth, he went into undisturbed peaceful forests (towards his father’s heaven), this is the truth i received in a vision when i had spoken with the father in guidance of prophet Jesus, let’s start walk into lonely forests mountains place & pray to the god Almighty & talk with our father…………………..

    • Gehan Vithanage says:

      Just wasted my time of reading.Either you are a fool or mentally ill.Please meet your Doctor today.While you advise others to read Bible,you yourself have proven thatyou do not know anything in the Bible.I feel sorry for you man

  37. Hersey says:

    Yes God answers prayers. That is why we have cancer and world peace. Clearly prayer works. I have found that all religious people are completely brainwashed and refuse to believe anything that contradicts what the Bible says. They spin everything. How about they quit going to church and spend those hours volunteering somewhere. That would be actual work and doing good for people so that won’t happen. You know, actually doing something good for the world. They want your money. That’s why there are 6 churches within a 2 mile radius of my home. They want you to bring them money. We do not need multi-million $ churches.

    • Bill says:

      Oh my goodness, take no notice of Churches. Evil runs them and they are a way to make money from gullible people, this is how they always work. Some Churches start out with good intent but greed for money always rules them at the end. These Churches have nothing to do with the Bible, they are a man made organization claiming to have everything to do with the Bible and openly asking for donations, some more cunningly than others but non the less on the same path. Where was Jesus Church? That’s right he didn’t have one, churches are man made just the same as Clubs with poker machines etc. Man made and nothing to do with the Bible, move on please!

      • Victoria says:

        I completely agree with this point of view. Jesus said where two or more are gathered in my name..there”s my church.I know that is off to how it actually is written..but this is how I remember it …basic simple meaning.

      • Gloria wilson says:

        I agree that Jesus did not have a man made church. He once asked the desciples this question, “Who do men say that I am, Peter said, “You are the Christ the Son of the living God.” Jesus then said, “Flesh and blood did not reveal this onto you, but my Father in Heaven has reveled it to you, Upon this rock will I build my church and the gates of he’ll will not prevail against it.” So, what He actually built His church on was the truth that Peter spoke, which was revealed to him by the Father in Heaven, from whom Jesus came.

  38. Squeaky says:

    I believe that this information is interesting and thoroughly thought out from a biased perspective and lacking a true understanding of the context of what is actually being said in the Bible. While it is easy to believe that the Bible is wrong because of our sheer nature to doubt things that are foreign or hard to us, but the truth is the Bible is 100% accurate and consistent throughout the Old and New Testament. Obviously, you have done your research to “prove” the Bible is wrong or inconstant, but from a neutral standpoint your goal to “disprove” the Bible came before an actual want to understand the context and what is meant behind the verses you so effortlessly plucked from the Word and twisted to meet your expectation. I know God is consistent. I also know that science and history help prove the accuracy of the Bible if you take away one’s biased and societal taught perspective on the two areas. A little extra work and an open mind go a long way when trying to find the truth in the world and in the Word, rather than accepting a misrepresentation of doctrine that fits what you want it to mean. I hope and pray that we all can dig deeper to find the truth in God’s Word and not accept the easy way out. God bless!

    • John Adams says:

      Your comment is biased and science is just theories; it was never meant to prove something.

    • Taryton says:

      Great anwser.

    • jagadeesh says:

      our creator(Almighty power) died after creating everything around us, he(it) died, but his soul remained, those who follow his soul(reflection of a body’s work on its surroundings during its lifetime, after its death) means praising his beautiful creation will be given life of peace, praising means doing in accordingly to nature’s peace, Jesus did in accordingly, finally he was credited by his father’s(creator’s) soul & became the son of god during baptism, our father want this son to guide us to be like his son & have his soul & become the children of our father, we have to pray to our father in the way Jesus taught us, but instead of that we’re praying to Jesus, because Jesus desciples manipulated the truth & wrote stories that led to believe us Jesus was the father & also the son & also the holy spirit, no one in this world understood this truth, except me, coz i had spoken to our father, he showned me the truth in a vision, Jesus was a prophet, he can marry nor remain unmarried, its upto him, everyone even his parents considered him to be a mad man with thoughts about god, they left him, but with some hope, he performed meaningful miracles, he followed peace but at last he got angry & showed anger in the spoiled Jerusalem temple (which was made like business center), the merchants people traders priests got angry & complained to the officials, they were in search of Jesus, but Jesus was hidden, Judas Iscariot informed them that Jesus was sometimes visiting Jerusalem at night on a certain mountain, they caught Jesus, trial began, they decided to hang Jesus to cross without dress & make him & his followers supporters feel shame, so that he can’t lift his head up after severe hanging on the cross without killing (Crucifixion) Jesus, Pilate was enquired & later requested by Jesus relatives & thought that he might be facing psychological problem thinking himself as god’s son, in that problem he might made non sense in the spoiled Jerusalem temple, in his opinion how can he judge a mentally disordered person, that’s why he thought to leave,but merchants, priests were not satisfied & decided to make himself more shame by hanging him without clothes on the cross, he was ordered to crucicifixon, everyone(merchants priests officials soldiers proudful higher priests people) left the crucifixion place except family members, two thieves, two thieves relatives, mary magdalene, two thieves with relatives went off with wounds, everyone thought he would either go into forests away from jerusalem or live a shameful life for spoiling traders business in the temple, after the sabbath(one or two days after crucicifixon) jesus wasn’t died but informed that he was died (to everyone’s surprise) & buried in a grave, Jesus family members Mary Magdalene & arimathae Joseph knw the truth, roman officials sent the soldiers to check that grave place, but they found it to be empty, everyone thought his body was taken by his disciples, but disciples & followers who were in hiding at that time don’t knw abt this & thought he was dead & then risen by angels, Jesus then spent sme days with them in hiding & when romans officials soldiers jews priests were in search of the truth, he went into undisturbed peaceful forests (towards his father’s heaven), this is the truth i received in a vision when i had spoken with the father in guidance of prophet Jesus, let’s start walk into lonely forests mountains place & pray to the god Almighty & talk with our father…………………..

  39. NightCrawler says:

    All arguing and arguing and arguing. Endless circle. All fighting. I wrote my comment some moments ago and posted it, closed the site before its here though, i hope. Wrote “don’t” instead of “do” and that changed the whole sentence making the comment too offensive. I think it didnt post. Anyway, yo. What i wanna say, is, if Jesus exists, i do (its not don’t, right?) think that he wants this endless circle of fighting and arguing and offending to break. Whats the point of offending others and discarding what they believe in. I belive in all of the gods and prophets. Hail Jesus, Hail Muhammad, Hail Krishna, Hail Budda, Hail Mithras, Hail Dinosys (and i really do think there should be some female ones). There should be peace. God doesn’t really want us to fight with amongst ourselves, right? He wants to see us making peace with other, thats what i think. If we respect other people’s feelings and beliefs and stopping fighting and offending them, the world will be a much better place. And I’m sure Jesus, Muhammad, Krishna all want this, for there to be love and peace. Yo. Don’t mean to offend no one, im just 16, expressing how i feel.

    • TruthSayer says:

      You are right NightCrawler. It would be great if we all loved each other. But we don’t.

      If God really “wants to see us making peace with others”, then why doesn’t he just change our hearts from hate and fear of others to love of others? He can do anything he wants. He could do that too, you know.

      • NightCrawler says:

        Yeah he could do that but maybe he wants us to do it ourselves? I dont know and im not much into religions that much but I think God is something that people look up to when they’re sad or they’ve lost hope. Like if in very ancient times maybe people found it hard to live and didn’t have someone to really look up to, maybe they created God? (No offense to anyone). I guess it made them feel good that some higher power is guiding them. And today maybe this is the reason we have all these Gods? Yeah but still, no one has the right to offend someone and tell them to stop believing in something they do believe in. My point is, if we do look up to God for hope and guidance i’m sure God doesn’t tell us to fight others with different beliefs. It would be better if we could just accept each other and live peacefully, and maybe if there was really a real God watching then, that’d be interesting

    • Squeaky says:

      I think that you have a noble idea, my friend. Love one another as the Lord loves you. With this in mind, we are shown examples in the Old Testament of the world worshipping false gods and goddesses and them ultimately paying a huge price, their happiness and their home with God. God wants us all to follow Him and to be with Him, but unfortunately people have decided that they know more than the Creator of the universe and of man. People pick and choose what they believe and that is why there are so many religions or denominations. God granted free will because (in my opinion) who would want a crowd or people to believe in you or trust in you if they were bribed or foced? No one. God wants a genuine love and trust in Him, just as he has shown for us, time and time again and His greatest act- sending His son to die for all of us. God wants the best for us, He also wants us to want to best for us and that is Him and Him only. God bless you! Best of luck in you endeavors!

  40. Ian Yoo says:

    I am highly dissapointed in you. You are very ignorant of the Bible, and I advise you to read it more carefully.

    When Jesus says the people will see it in their generation, he means the generation, or race, of humankind. He means to say that people will be there when he comes back. People will still see him coming back to Earth. This generation will be here until all things are done. People will be here until Jesus finishes what he came to do.

    For the second part, you say Jesus does not answer our prayers. He in fact, does! Jesus has answered many of my prayers. I am surprised you even brought this up. Have you actually prayed to Jesus? If you say yes, I don’t think you completely believed that he would do whatever you ask him. After all, you did write an entire article about this. Plus, prayers aren’t all about you. Jesus isn’t going to give you that Ferrari you’ve been wanting. He wants you to pray for others and important things. If Jesus thinks that what you ask for is okay, he will answer it. Think about the reason you are asking for what you want. Are you going to use the Ferrari to praise Jesus? Are you going to use it to do what Jesus would want you to do? I doubt it.

    No one could hear him… okay. First of all, LUKE wrote Luke. If you do any research at all, you will learn that Luke actually went around to eyewitnesses and learned from them what happened to Jesus when he wasn’t there. I’m pretty sure Luke wouldn’t have made up half the book and put it in the Bible. Second of all, When Jesus prays to God, you say no one heard it. Well, you’re wrong. Someone did hear it. Who was Jesus praying to? God. Why do you think the Bible is called God’s Word? Because it literally is GOD’s Word. In fact, God wrote (Or more likely told Moses to write for him) the beginning of Genisis, and he would probably put in stuff about Jesus’s death.

    As for the last one, I literally died reading that. How could Jesus pray to God if he is God? If you actually READ the Bible it clearly states that Jesus came to Earth as a MAN. YES HE IS A GOD, BUT HE CAME TO EARTH TO DIE FORE OUR SINS AS A MAN. MAN CAN DIE. HE FREAKIN’ CAME HERE TO DIE. PLUS, SINCE GOD CANNOT BE IN THE PRESENCE OF SIN, WHEN JESUS DIED ON THE CROSS, GOD CUT OFF HIS CONNECTION WITH JESUS. THAT IS WHY JESUS WAS SO LET DOWN AND SAID “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” Mark 15:34, Matthew 27:46. Whew. Sorry. The last point literally DID kill me. Obviously you are a non-believer, and I welcome you to talk with me about the Old Testament. As far as I know, the Old Testament is completely and utterly true. Jesus knew that as well, which is why he quoted from it. I checked out the link on the ten commandments, and as far as I can tell, they are right. They are expressed in different ways.

    Please keep in mind I mean no offense to you or anyone who disagrees with me. Neither of our views can be absolutely correct, because we weren’t there when this all happened (Whether it did or it didn’t). Thank you.

    • TruthSayer says:

      “Neither of our views can be absolutely correct.” That’s wrong. Mine are absolutely correct.

      Re: Prayer. You don’t think very deeply do you? Just because you think some of your prayers were answered by God, it doesn’t mean they were.

      Please, please, please show me that this passage is true:
      “they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will recover”. Mark 16:17-18:

      If that were true, hospitals would be out of business.

      • nowayjose says:

        “Verily I say unto you, That there be some of them that stand here, which shall not taste of death, till they have seen the kingdom of God come with power. Mark 9:1”

        This is a lie, according to this site.

        It is absolutely correct. Many were present when He appeared to them in the upper room and on Pentecost. They shook up the world, even though they had been hiding in fear, deeply shattered that their faith in Him was somehow all wrong. But, He showed up and imbued them with Himself in the form of the Holy Spirit and They were born again and lit up the entire world.

        Raising the dead? Read ACTS.

    • nowayjose says:

      Ignore the troll who comments under numerous names. Pray for him and know that your corrections are just as important for him as they are for the genuinely confused. Just ignore his endless, ridiculous comments except for this one thing. He is all alone and terribly, terribly lonely. Remember that and be merciful.

    • KO - Son of Odin, the Lord of the Worlds, Smasher of Worlds, Lord of Asgard, the Old, the Wise Worshipper of Sacred Trees and Stones says:

      “When Jesus says the people will see it in their generation, he means the generation, or race, of humankind. He means to say that people will be there when he comes back.”
      So mankind has only *one* generation! That’s a great spin on the actual meaning of the word “generation”. Of course if he comes back people will see him — otherwise, why would he come back? To preach to the fish? He wouldn’t need to utter that sentence: so either he is stupid, his audience is stupid, or he erred, or he is lying.

      ” He wants you to pray for others and important things. If Jesus thinks that what you ask for is okay, he will answer it.”

      Jesus just said “everything”. Everything is everything. He didn’t say “I’ll give you the important things. Just the things I want to”. He said “everything”. You are distorting his words.

  41. Ashish Tamang says:

    Dear Sir or Madam i dont who r u i just want to say something that dont read bible as story book first of all i want to reply ur question that why jesus christ died if he was god ?u know it is written in bible that jesus christ was a 100% man and 100% god cause he also feel pain and hungry and so on as we feel and on the another hand he did not commited any sin during his life time and he always speak truth so to die was his aim and pre planned cause he was came in world for dieing for our sins and u have mentioned that generations jesus was saying that the all the genration will see him caming on the cloud in right side that means all the people who died will also raised up and they can see jesus coming . And he had also say that the person will came or stand by saying and preaching that jesus is not god that is also proved now and the scorpions and snakes are not real snake jesus means that snakes and scorpions are the big problems and dangerous problems jesus was called as son of god and he also say himself don of man that means he was sent from god and he was also born from man and women but god and son are same cause it is also written that god and jesus are same in bible

  42. johanp says:

    why you so stupid????

  43. Kelly says:

    Small minded people will continue to believe that horrible book the bible. In the face of scientific evidence they will always twist the facts to fit their religion. I am so glad that I am one of the ENLIGHTENED

    • Ian Yoo says:

      I would like to point out that no one has ever in the history of mankind disproved anything in the Bible. Please feel free to discuss this with me if you would like to. As for being one of the enlightened… I advise you to actually learn what we believe. I have met countless people who don’t even know what the Bible says and yet they stereotype Christians just like you do. Please respect our religion as I have respected yours.

      • TruthSayer says:

        OH MY GOD…. What planet do you live on? No one has ever disproved anything in the Wholly Holey, Holy Book of Babble. Big Bang, Evolution to name just two discoveries that disprove the babble book.

        How do you explain stars that are millions of light years away if the universe is, as you believe, only 6000 years old? I doubt that you even understand what “light years” means, I doubt you understand the significance of that fact.

        I would like to point out that you are so wrong about so much.

        How can I respect a religion that is based on so much nonsense?

    • Taryton says:

      What about islam? Yall worried about Christians but islam is about to take over and guess they dont mind killing. Trust me christiany is not as bad as you think.

      • Caleb says:

        Islam is NOT fine with killing. Only .006625% of Muslims are extremists, you sir disgust me. I’m not even Islamic and you anger me like heck. Do you know that 80% of all acts of terrorism in the U.S. were committed by Americans? YOU DISGUST ME SO MUCH!!

  44. Devin duca says:

    You are spreading lies and you must understand what Jesus is actually saying. He does fulfill his promises to those that diligently seek after him. A lot of what is professed has come to pass in OUR generation. This is something I do not want to believe in but there is to much truth to deny it being right. When Jesus said why have you forsaken me it’s because Jesus took on all of our sin that day on the cross, at that point god could not look at Jesus for he was impure and unholy…. Use your brains bro, stop trying to pick apart a story that you will never be able to. There is extreme inconsistencies in your criticism and you should think very hard about what is true. No one can prove this book wrong, I have tried and many others before you have tried only to fail. You can say he said she said but look deeper and stop with the mistranslations, Jesus knew he was going to suffer a crucifixion that is why he asked if there is any other way let it be known. I’m telling you man my eyes are open and I’m not backing down again, evolution is a lie and even they have proven they don’t know what they are talking about. It’s crazy to believe in god but until the bible is actually proven wrong I will believe in no one but God

    • Freyberg9 says:

      Bro. Speaking of lies, outright stating “evolution is a lie” is the boldest statement I’ve ever heard anybody make… Like ever. I’d like you disprove something that is completely and utterly infallible. You must be pretty ignorant to think that millions of people before you haven’t attempted to falsify evolution and failed monumentally every time?! Evolution is an utmost fact, heavily supported over hundreds of years of repeated observations and experiments in several DIFFERENT branches of sciences; i.e. DNA comparative studies, geology, paleontology, physics, biochemistry, etc. It is an absolute verifiable truth, and I have personally witnessed evolutionary change overnight in a lab. It does not need to take a million years- it can take between a single moment or several hours all the way through to millions of years. Evolution completely debunks the first few pages of the Book of Genesis, thus, it is self-defeating, illogical and intellectually dishonest to believe anything the Bible’s subsequent claims. Sorry bro.

      • Ashish Tamang says:

        God bless u bro

      • Narfy Garblegonk says:

        There actually is not a shred of evidence for evolution. I’d like to see YOU give me undeniable, unfalsifiable, imperical, evidence of us coming from a ROCK 3.6 billion years ago. Don’t say fossils because all anyone knows about fossils is that 1. It died.

        When you say you have seen evolution happen overnight I highly doubt you. You must be clear: Cosmic evolution, chemical evolution, stellar evolution, origin of life, macroevolution, or microevolution? By the way, microevolution (A change in species over time) is completely true. The other five have never in the history of humankind been observed.

    • Freyberg9 says:

      Bro. Speaking of lies, outright stating “evolution is a lie” is the boldest statement I’ve ever heard anybody make… Like ever. I’d like you disprove something that is completely and utterly infallible. You must be pretty ignorant to think that millions of people before you haven’t attempted to falsify evolution and failed monumentally every time?! Evolution is an utmost fact, heavily supported over hundreds of years of repeated observations and experiments in several DIFFERENT branches of sciences; i.e. DNA comparative studies, geology, paleontology, physics, biochemistry, etc. It is an absolute verifiable truth, and I have personally witnessed evolutionary change overnight in a lab. It does not need to take a million years- it can take between a single moment or several hours all the way through to millions of years. Evolution completely contradicts the first few pages of the Book of Genesis, thus, it is self-defeating, illogical and intellectually dishonest to believe anything the Bible’s subsequently claims. Sorry bro.

  45. Kathy says:

    Jesus is talking about the people still alive after the Tribulation, not the people standing there. He calls them ‘them, not you. If you you are going to try and prove it wrong please read it correctly. Also, people do not have great enough faith to ask and receive. You do not know what he gives and does not give. Please do not mock. You may be mocking on the wrong day. I will pray for you.

    • TruthSayer says:

      Please don’t waste your time praying for me. there’s no one there to answer your pious prayer.

    • Ace05 says:

      If he was talking about the people still alive after the tribulation then why wouldn’t he say that? Why would he clearly say there be some standing here that will not taste death? STANDING HERE are two key words maybe you need to read it right. Because everyone that was standing there are dead now and have been dead over 2000 years now

  46. Cole Terry says:

    sorry, its it was auto corrected

  47. Cole Terry says:

    for everyone reading this article, i have proven everything the writer has tried to prove wrong as right. I have successfully falsified his falsifications. and a quick message to everyone reading this:


    to the writer of the article: please, try to make sure everyone knows the whole story, not part of it. thats your main issue in every point you have. read more, and you will understand. you know my email address now, so please, if you have any questions, ask me.

    if anyone else needs help or has any questions or doubts about the Bible, email me at .

  48. Cole Terry says:

    he cries out on the cross because God had abandoned him, Jesus had taken the sins of you, me, and everyone on the entire earth that had been, is, and will be on his shoulders. God has said he cannot look upon sin. again, you didn’t tell the full story! you can tell what the Bible says is true if you read everything!

  49. Cole Terry says:

    thats also how he died, 100% God, 100% man.

    • Ian Yoo says:

      … No, I have to disagree with you on that. Jesus is God, but he came to Earth as 100% man to die on the cross. After that he rose to heaven as God.

  50. Cole Terry says:

    remember, Jesus had become 100% God and 100% man, while still a part of the trinity as the Son of God(hard to wrap your head around, I know). thats why he prayed to God, he had become human, and all humans need the help of salvation

    • Ian Yoo says:

      Think of the trinity like God’s personalities. God the Father Creates, The son forgives, and the Holy Spirit empowers


  51. Cole Terry says:

    we know for a fact that Mary mother of Jesus had been present in the crucifixion, so she had most likely been asked what had happened, or told Jesus’ disciples seeing as they were his closest followers.

  52. Cole Terry says:

    in,”falsification number three” Jesus has communicated with others in supernatural ways countless times. how can you know for a fact he didn’t tell his disciples of what he’d done? falsification falsified.

  53. Cole Terry says:

    in,”falsification number two” yes, yes we can. we followers of the Lord Jesus Christ can do anything in his name. my grandfather went through cancer, countless sickness, countless infections, got his toe and following his leg amputated, went through a stroke, and countless other things, all of which WE PRAYED DURING FOR HIS HEALING and he was healed. if we trust our God, we can overcome anything that comes our way, no matter how big or small.

    • TruthSayer says:

      Well there you have it. Prayer works. While you are praying, why be so selfish? Why not pray and heal ALL who are suffering? Why don’t you go on a mission to all your local hospitals and heal all the other poor souls who are suffering? That would be a wonderful, compassionate thing to do. Please let me know when you do this and how it works out for you.

      Also, I have been thinking about the way God so cleverly spreads disease through mosquitoes: yellow fever, Zika, maleria, encephalitis, to name just a few. Please go ahead and ask God to stop spreading disease through mosquitoes and then there will be so many fewer people that need healing.

    • Ace05 says:

      Healed from what? Man got his toe and leg cut off and you talking about God healed him. No doctors extended his life that’s what happened.

  54. Cole Terry says:

    in your last paragraph, when in any of those does Jesus quote a wrong set of commandments? which old testament prophecies have not been fulfilled in the new testament or since then, and how do you know they aren’t going to occur in the future?

  55. Cole Terry says:

    to the writer of this article: your wrong. can you PROVE what time period Jesus spoke of in all his teachings? he never said that the generation between perhaps A.D. 0 and A.D. 100 would still be alive to witness this. you’ve proven yourself wrong. he says that SOME will still be alive when he returns, so that is why none of the prophecies in Revelation have been fulfilled yet, they have yet to be fulfilled. please, before you write another article about this, stop, and think about what you are saying, because A. you may not be going deep enough into your sources, and B. you may just end up embarrassing yourself once someone comes along and disproves your point.

  56. Ponte Lito says:

    I have a problem in understanding why God would need a book written by few individuals to let the world know that he exists. Because of this, many people in the world seek the God of the Bible than the real God.

    • tweeb says:

      God writes a letter to us humans throught his word the bible so we can understand and get to know him better. how else would we know the god we don’t know about?

    • Cole Terry says:

      there are more than one account and more than one witness of events in the bible to prove that maybe matthew was not the only guy who experienced these things.

  57. Search-SA says:

    I’m a human being like (hopefully most of you who comments here). And I’m a Living testimony of The Lord, Jesus Christ. I have seen real life miracles, where people that could never walk, stood up & walked. I’ve seen how one of our church members, who’s one leg were way shorter than the other, I saw & FELT the POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, how this mans leg extended (grew) right in front of my eyes.

    People who pray, and ask for things & believe… THEY DON’T ALWAYS GET what they ask! SURE, but it’s important to know The Word more than just to revert to a single verse. You can’t just go and ask, pray, believe etc… for example a new car, or for healing of a sickness, You need to be a Child of God, confessed with your mouth that He is God & invite Him to come into your life… Thats the first thing that needs to be in place. If God doesn’t give what you have asked, then its because God has a Plan with your life, and instead of trying to debate that Jesus or the Bible is not true, you must Thank The Lord & accepts the fact that He has your Life already planned for you!

    In the end times, there will be more & more people that try to mislead you with their opinions about the Christianity & about The Lord, god, Jesus Christ and the Truth… DO NOT FALL VICTIM OF THIS.

    Ask yourself the question:
    WHAT IF YOU ARE WRONG ABOUT ALL THE FACTS OR NON-FACTS, SCIENCE ETC>…? And you didn’t make time to surrender your life to jesus! WHAT THEN… Then it would be too Late!

    I’m a happy Reborn Christian & I know what I have seen in my life, I confessed with my mouth that Jesus is the Lord & only God… I HOPE THAT ANYONE READING THIS WOULD DO THE SAME!


  58. Logan says:

    I can’t say I have ever understood God, and I’m afraid no one ever will. Keep that in mind as you are reading this.

    What challenges us is how to act in life. Tell me, why did you do this? Why did you make this website? I have met many atheists, but I have never seen one so passionate about proving Christianity wrong that he literally makes an entire article which can be disproved with basic knowledge of Christianity. As I am sitting here typing this, I am confused. Bewildered, more like it. My fear of doing this wrong is engulfing me currently.
    I am not, nor will I ever, try and defend my faith by attacking another point. That is not how God intended for us to reach out to others. Our Lord and Father will always accept you. As in one verse I love, he says in Revelation 3:20, “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.” God will always be accepting of us, and he will forgive your sins if asked. I encourage you, please do not let hatred take control of your life. Often, I find that the strongest of atheists are former Christians. They do not see things the way they think they should, and they act out. I encourage you not to let this happen. Most importantly, remember… Jesus loves you.

  59. CHERISSE says:


  60. Dwayne says:

    I’m researching predictions that have come true and atm I’m searching for the truth and I do believe a lot of prophet’s are true. As far as the Christian bible I’ve read somewhere that it is parts of other religious bibles / books and put together to deceive and trick people into worshipping falsely and to help control the heard.
    So know I’m researching different religions to find the way. Can you enlighten me on what might be the right path to the truth is?

    • if GOD does not exist, how about demons? do they exist? because if demons exist, so God also exist, now if you are going to tell that demons dont exist, how can you explain “demon possesions?” im just asking..

    • Mohamad Nahouli says:

      -the availability of a historically unaltered scripture

      History of the Qur’an compared with that of the Bible

      -the teaching that human beings are created pure, rather than sinful

      Fitrah: Human Nature

      -the provision of a Divinely prescribed system of worship, which includes everything we say, and everything we do

      The Islamic Concept of Worship

      -a clearcut, practical way to the remission of sins

    • paul simpson says:

      All I know is I was a hopeless drug addict. A thief a liar a fornicator an adulterer. Jesus made himself real to me and now lives in me by his holy spirit. Has done since 18/05/97 at 5.05 am. In an house in the bedroom. I wanted to change and couldn’t. Prison counselling all the self help courses probation tried for years to change me. Jesus changed me in an instant no class A drugs for nearly 19 years I was preaching the gospel within hours of being ever from sin. We are born with a sinful nature you and I belong to another spiritual father before being born again. He is the devil thief are many fallen angels. One almighty God who has more power than every power that is put together. If Jesus hadn’t become our payment for sin no one could be saved. Jesus promised tribulation for his followers. Yet we have his love peace joy and certainty of eternity of perfection and life eternal with Jesus Christ. Funny the bible only came alive when I received Christ into my life. Meant nothing before that I didn’t want to become a Christian. I didn’t find Christ he found me I was spiritually lost on my way to hell I didn’t know it. That’s what’s so great about grace and Jesus who is the lord of grace and mercy.

    • paul simpson says:

      Very simple the person lord Jesus Christ. Yes I did say the person Jesus Christ the only God man. You know not God because your sins separate you from God. Good news it was whilst we were still Gods enemies that Christ Jesus died for us. Jesus has already paid the price for your sin. Now change your thinking God loves you enough to die on a cross before you were born to pay the price and buy your ppardon receive Christ he is alive ask him to forgive you and come into your life. You must be born of Gods spirit to have a relationship with God. Jesus the only way to God. God bless you.

    • paul simpson says:

      Religion is man’s effort to get to God. However Jesus Christ is Gods initiative to become a man to save man from sin and to bring man into a relationship with God. Jesus came to earth to reconcile man to God by paying for man’s sins.God didn’t have to do anything for man after all all people have sinned and are born with a sinful nature because of Adams sin. We are Adams seed all people come from Adam scientific fact. Same as eve gene fact. No one has to teach a child to be naughty put a toy between two one year old boys you have all the makings of war. You have to teach children to do good. Good news Jesus became the sin sacrifice for you and I plus the world. Believe he died shed his blood to buy you back from his and your spiritual enemy Satan. Sin gave him the authority of being man’s master God in the beginning made man perfect and innocent. The devil stole man’s incense through deception and sin. Jesus makes it possible for you to be paid for bought back to God through his done work the cross. Why else would he die and rise again. John 3 v 3 says you must be born again to see the kingdom of God. Born of Gods spirit. Get born again and guaranteed you will get laughed at mocked ridiculed hated even killed yet you will know who the only true God is.

    • paul simpson says:

      To enter into a relationship with God. Call upon the person who is God and alone savior Jesus Christ is the door to a living relationship with our creator father. Acknowledge you are a sinner ask God to reveal himself to you as you call upon Christ. That’s just the way it is all about Jesus the way to God the truth that’s spiritual truth and the life that’s supernaturally empowers life now to serve God 1st others2nd and self last. With certainty of eternal life if we stay in Jesus Christ and a relationship with him.

    • Cole Terry says:

      dwayne, read my comments above, it will explain.

    • Ian Yoo says:

      I am sorry to say that you are mistaken. The Bible is the Word of the one and only living God. Please learn more about Jesus and his love for you.

      Very little to work with here Ian. Could you be a little more specific? Prove to me that Jesus loves me for starters… and just quoting a Bible passage does not count.

  61. iuzzef says:

    Nice article, one thing is that none of us where there, we can not affirm or deny God exist, created the world, created Jesus, and even inspired people to write a book. What we know for sure is that the old testament is a collection of hebrew myths, things that were written before, nothing new. And the new testament, is a bunch of stories changed by popes and church to reflect what were convenient. So in my opinion you guys believe what you want, but don’t use the bible upon others as proof of anything. Thanks.

    • paul simpson says:

      God watches over his word the have a right to reject it and Christ. Plus a guarantee of not entering into eternal life with Christ. Yet guaranteed judgement after life. I hope you will consider the eternal consequences and change your opinion because Your quotation is well wrong.

    • Riggidyro says:

      Well said but the thumpers will read right past this completely level headed, rational, open minded, self aware, intellectual statement you have made and just keep detesting..
      Thats the word of god and thats the only real truth, but again nobody alive today was there.. so please stop saying we know for a fact anything the bible claims

  62. will says:

    You were not there at the time of creation. You cannot, and WILL NOT EVER have any indication that there is not a God. You are blinded by your arrogance that has rendered you helpless. Science cannot prove God wrong, so no matter how many verses you pull (bible says its dangerous without substantial evidence) you make yourself look pitiful. A nagging coward who cares of only himself and will eventually realize HIS MISTAKE, and wonder in his own mind how can a god be real in scientific terms. MARK MY WORDS you will cease to live then what next floating in outerspace. The bible says A fool says in his heart-” aka YOU there is no god” corrupt are they- YOU again for defiling good- and they do abominable deeds- You for the third time for blinding people of trueth aka a liar – there none that are good no not one psalms 14: 1- 2 times. This story ends with you crawling back into you atheistic shell pouting about how god isnt real. Next time read the full story of the context of verses you before sticking you nose in the air, and before you pick a fight that in reality your kind cannot win.

    • If you are so strong in your faith, why did you search for this website? Why did you take time out of your day to write this comment if you 100% believe in the bible? Why did you feel like you needed to defend your “God”? Obviously your words are wasted, and you do more to hurt your cause than help it. Apparently you are insecure in your faith, and wanted to find some way to reaffirm it. Or you just wanted to crusade and bash on some “bible hating heathens.” Which is oh so unchristian-like. Happy new year, sir.

    • Logan says:

      Will, I can tell you are a very strong believer, but this isn’t the way to do it. As a believer, you should know only God can judge. And as a believer, you should love everyone. If you are Christian, and I’d like to believe you are, then stop. When people are as passionate about this topic as the author is, and on the atheist side, they search for examples of hypocrisy in us, just as the Pharisees did in Jesus. I’m just asking that you work on this, because it will only hurt us as a group more.

  63. Jeremy Jones says:

    Hi jess
    The Bible does that all by itself, you do not need science to prove how false the Bible is on prophecies. Christians say that Isaiah 7:14 is a prophecy of the virgin birth of Jesus: Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel.[Isaiah 7:14] This is what the academic New Oxford Annotated bible says on the matter of the virgin: 14: Isaiah’s reply emphasises the lord’s own sign, i.e., the birth of the child Immanuel(“god is with us”) to express the Lord’s commitment to defend Jerusalem. The young woman is not identified; she may be either the wife of Isaiah (cf. 8.3) or of the King of Ahaz. Although 7:14 is cited in Mt 1:23 as a proof for the virgin birth of Jesus, based on the LXX translation “parthenos” (virgin), the Heb word “almah” simply means young woman, not virgin.[The New Oxford Annotated Bible 4th edition, p.978]
    The :End of times” is another centuries old prophecy, we are still waiting, and Christians still advertise that is still coming, after several hundred prophecies predicted dates on this subject have been and gone!
    The fake genealogy numbers of Matthew 1:17.
    Check out other prophecies that did not come true, yet Christians say that the Bible has been fulfilled.[]
    On a slightly different topic, but contradictory is Act 4:13 Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marvelled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus.[kjv] However, the early Greek biblical manuscripts (MSS) state that Peter and John were Idiots. 4:13 θεωρουντες δε την του πετρου[Peter] παρρησιαν και ιωαννου[John] και καταλαβομενοι οτι ανθρωποι αγραμματοι εισιν και ιδιωται[idiotai=idiots] εθαυμαζον επεγινωσκον τε αυτους οτι συν τω ιησου ησαν[1550 Stephanus New Testament (TR1550)]
    The Bible is full of contradiction and controversies.
    Regards Jero Jones.

    • paul simpson says:

      Idiotai=idiots=fools Paul said the same of those who professed to be wise yet rejected truth. The word of God=idiotai=idiots. When Paul spoke of unbelieving apostates in the letter of Thessalonians.

  64. jess says:

    I’m wowed by your stupidity sorry to be rude but that’s fact. metaphors personification, and other litery techniques exist in enland right? my English teacher taught me that. maybe hell does not exist since God is all loving. by the way are you English? the bible is a book of mistery believe it or not 1914 and how the ww1 started is in the bible as well. u just need to dig deeper to find out what it really means. anyway this commening sounds like entertainment not that youre actually interested int the subject. GO ON JW>ORG and find the answers to some of the worlds biggest questions.

    • paul simpson says:

      I don’t want to be nasty. Yet jehovas witness is a cult. They deny the deity of Christ. How did the 144000 has get to heaven if flesh and blood cannot enter. Plus Charles taze Russell was not Jewish so how did he get in. Thomas said my lord and my God to Jesus. Paul says its a new creation that counts being born again is a must. Every bible translation compliments one another except the new world translation. It makes Jesus a demi God it’s blasphemous. I say this in love Jesus is God he is love he wants to save you. Get a true bible pray for the truth Jesus Christ will set you free. He loves you. The cross is foolishness to those who are perishing yet to us who are saved it is the power of God for salvation to all who will believe.

      • tweeb says:

        jehovahs witnesses believe in jesus. the 144000 died then go to heaven so they don’t enter as blood and flesh. YOu don’t need to be jewish to go to heaven and how do you know Charles taze Russell got in? and do you mean Thomas the disciple? yes, paul did say a new creation is needed. that God will(when the time is right) destroy the wickedness of this world and bring about a paradise which is when the new creation like the animals and humans and other living creation be cleansed from deseases and uncleanness. every bible has th esame meaning just some are eaiser and up to date to read than others. jesus once prayed to his heavenly father when he just got baptised and spent 40 days and night in the wilderness, how would he pray to himself because you said jesus is God?

  65. jess says:

    theres such thing as 2 timothy 3:16 where GOD inspired the people who wrote the bible meaning no one has to be there to listen and write down what jesus and the other man said.

    • Jeremy Jones says:

      Hi jess
      I see you have quoted 2 Timothy several time, are you aware that 1 and 2 Timothy , along with a few more of the epistles of Paul are forgeries, and were written probably century or more after the false apostle had died. Your are not the only one citing such forgeries, some clergy are still doing so!
      Hope you are not offended by me telling you.
      Regards Jero Jones

      • jess says:

        what do u mean forgery? 1timothy was written by paul in Macedonia, 2timpthy was written in rome by paul well when he was in prispn about to get killed for preaching about jesus。u said probably so your not certain。 2tim 3v16 says all the things that are being fulfilled especially nowadays。 why do u say its a forgery?

  66. JustMe says:

    You’re so right. If that’s what you guys believe about this ‘God’ you’re talking about, I guess that would make me an ‘unbeliever’ as well. I would never believe in such a god. Then… What’s the point of living…? If there is nothing to believe in, if there’s nothing to live for, I guess I should just up and die. I mean, thats all I’m ever going to do in this world. See y’all.

  67. Jeremy Jones says:

    Hi Selena
    “we are a broken world” How right you are, and it is all to do with religion!
    You should read the Bible if you want to know what your god feels about inflicting pain, and he enjoys doing it too!
    Start with the book of Numbers

  68. Selena says:

    How do you explain our intricate beings if we weren’t created by a God? How do you explain DNA and galaxies? How can beings and life forms so delicate come from absolutely nothing? MANY ASTROPHYSICISTS CAN ANSWER THAT.

    I understand that it is hard to believe in a God who would let people suffer from disease and hardships. But I always remind myself that God is not a vending machine nor is he a magic genie. I can not rub a lamp or insert my prayer and hope to find exactly what I want. WHY NOT? JESUS SAYS MANY TIMES YOUR PRAYERS WILL BE ANSWERED JUST ASK YOU ASK.
    It may be hard to hear but sometimes the answer is no. No, God can not take away my mothers heart problems YES HE CAN, HE CHOOSES NOT TO and no, God will not bring my parents back together BUT HE COULD BUT HE CHOOSES NOT TO. We chose this life for ourselves. WHAT HAPPENED TO “GOD’S PLAN” FOR US? We sin everyday and so our creator continues to let us feel pain. WHY DOESN’T HE HELP US? This is His story, He is the great novelist and we are just parts of His story.

    I find your website so interesting. I’m working on a research paper for my college writing class and I am trying to prove whether or not God truly does exist.
    I would love to exchange emails and talk a bit about this. It would be so helpful to me, thank you!

    • Joe says:

      Yeah he does. The end. A+

    • Jeremy Jones says:

      Our intricate being is due to evolution over millions of years. Two million years ago our ancestors had just mastered standing on two feet, and are known by anthropologist/archaeologists as Homo Erectus. Who probably had the same intelligence as the large primates of today. So man has evolved, and is still evolving, and who knows what will happen to man in the next 10,000 years with technology going as it is? However, whatever happens it will be of man’s own making through evolution, and not to any so-call omnipotent heavenly entity.
      Lots of the answers you seek are out there at your finger tips, just let your computer do the work. For instance is the Bible infallible, the answer is no, it is fallible, or was Jesus resurrected, again the answer is no! The vast majority of biblical scholars say Mark 16:9-20 is a forgery. See this link
      Hope this is of use to you.
      Regards Jero

      • paul simpson says:

        Why are thief still apes monkeys tortillas etc then. The so called shape shifting etc where are the facts for this. Evolution can’t be proved as a science of man’s being a man from apes. I haven’t seen those intermediary fossel links from ape to man. They don’t exist. On you may have some micro orgism fossils within rocks that are really no different to a chiuaha crossed with a great Dane. Yes bigger canines than chiuaha. Is evolution within a species which is not evolution at all just cross breeding.

    • Can’t blame natural desaters on God. Part of why things are today is because of man. Pollution among other things artificial cause n effect

      • “Can’t blame natural disasters on God”? Why not? I thought He was in charge of everything, including natural disasters. Did He not create the earth and the heavens?

        By the way, He created a faulty earth, one with fractures in its mantle. These fractures, often move and shift. When they do, they are called “earthquakes”. God created a faulty earth and he permits earthquakes to occur. Sometimes, they kill hundreds of thousands of people; Haiti come to mind?

  69. CatsPaw says:

    What makes you think Jesus existed at all?

    • Jero Jones says:

      Hi CatsPaw
      What makes you think Jesus existed at all? Good one!
      Well there has been a lot written about this man called Jesus, probably more than any other man.


      However, he did exist, and he didn’t exist, it depends on which story you believe—the Christian or the traditional Jewish version! If you follow the Christian Jesus, then you are devoting your time to an invention, however, being a Jew, it is only right and proper to follow the man in the Jewish tradition to get the story of the real man known as Jesus! One has to remember that the name Jesus is the English Latinise of the Greek Ἰησοῦς Iesous, which is derived from the Hebrew—Yehoshua or Yeshua.
      First, who or what was this Jesus? He was a devout Jew, even the Christians accept this, however, the sticky point is his real name. And from the earliest centuries up until the 19 century, Christianity in the form of the Roman Church had been destroying (well documented) the Jewish holy books to hide the real name of Jesus. In fact all the Jewish holy books are still on the Index Librorum Prohibitorum (list of forbidden books).
      What was Jesus’ real name?
      Well Jewish tradition has at least three names—Yeshua,1 Ben Stada,2 and the more famous Ben Panthera or Pandira,3 with various other spellings. What they all have in common is that Yeshua/Ben Stada/Ben Pandira is that he went to Egypt to learn magic/sorcery. This period in Egypt can account for the missing years (from the age 12 to 30) in the Bible.
      1 It is taught: On the eve of Passover they hung Yeshu and the crier went forth for forty days beforehand declaring that “[Yeshu] is going to be stoned for practicing witchcraft, for enticing and leading Israel astray. Anyone who knows something to clear him should come forth and exonerate him.” But no one had anything exonerating for him and they hung him on the eve of Passover.[Talmud Sanhedrin 43a] This story is almost identical to the Christian version in the Bible: The God of our fathers raised up Jesus, whom ye slew and hanged on a tree.[Act 5:30 kjv]
      2 and 3 It is taught: R. Eliezer told the sages: Did not Ben Stada bring witchcraft with him from Egypt in a cut that was on his skin? They said to him: He was a fool and you cannot bring proof from a fool.
      Ben Stada is Ben Pandira.
      R. Chisda said: The husband was Stada and the lover was Pandira.
      [No,] the husband was Pappos Ben Yehudah and the mother was Stada.
      [No,] the mother was Miriam the women’s hairdresser [and was called Stada]. As we say in Pumbedita: She has turned away [Stat Da] from her husband.[Talmud Shabbat 104b, Sanhedrin 67a]
      If I can go back to the verse where Jesus is hung on a tree, also affirms all the Greek biblical manuscripts, which state that the Jesus was executed on a Stauros (Stake or upright Pale, also translated as wood or tree, but not a cross.) The cross is a mid 6th century adaption by the church of Rome, of the Pagan cross symbol.[Catholic Encyclopedia 1913 under cross and crucifix] the Catholic encyclopedia (CE) 1913 on the cross states: We have seen the progressive steps — artistic, symbolical, and allegorical — through which the representation of the Cross passed from the first centuries down to the Middle Ages and we have seen some of the reasons which prevented Christian art from making an earlier display of the figure of the cross. Now the cross, as it was seen during all this time was only a symbol of the Divine Victim and not a direct representation. We can thus more easily understand, then how much more circumspection was necessary in proceeding to a direct portrayal of the Lord’s actual Crucifixion. Although in the fifth century the cross began to appear on public monuments, it was not for a century afterwards that the figure on the cross was shown; and not until the close of the fifth, or even the middle of the sixth century, did it appear without disguise. [ CE 1913 under the heading: Archæology of the Cross and Crucifix then chapter: Later development of the Crrucifix]
      Back to Panthera or Pandira, as being the paramour of Miriam/Mair and the father of Yeshua/Jesus/ben Pandira, etc. We have to go back 150 years to 1859 Bingerbrűck, Germany, were Roman graves were unearthed during the building of a new railway. One headstone in particular is very important, that of Tiberius Iulius Abdes Pantera, who was a Roman soldier (archer) from Sidon, a place name mentioned in the Bible where Jesus visited incognito, or tried too! The English translation of tombstone reads:
      Tiberius Iulius Abdes Pantera
      from Sidon, aged 62 years
      served 40 years, former standard bearer(?)
      of the first cohort of archers
      lies here []
      Some scholars have suggested that Pandera was 18 or 19 years of age, at the time of Jesus’ birth c. 4 BCE, and lived in Sidon close to Galilee. The ancient scholar.
      As I have already mentioned Jesus was in the Sidon area, was he visiting relatives on his father’s side—was that the reason he was incognito? This is what the Bible says: And from thence he arose, and went into the borders of Tyre and Sidon, and entered into an house, and would have no man know it: but he could not be hid.[Mark 7:24 kjv]
      As you can see the Jewish tradition has answers for the NT, where it is silent! In addition New Testament (NT) scholars are all in consensus that the NT has errors, where the Talmud and other Jewish holy books, are said to free of errors!
      Regards Jero Jones

      • Doug Williams says:

        Please provide one source, other than the bible, where someone wrote about “jesus”. He is not mentioned one single time in any historical writings so I believe you are just making crap up my friend.

      • Jeremy Jones says:

        Hi Doug Williams
        I think you have read my comments wrong, I am not referring to the Jesus invented by Christianity, I was referring to the Yeshua/Jesus of the Jewish Tradition. I wholeheartedly agree that nobody outside of the Bible mentions anything about the Christian Jesus, unless you count the spurious text from Josephus, Tacitus, and Suetonius Secunda. However, you will find information on the Jesus of Jewish tradition in the Talmud, and the works of G.R.S Mead. [] who was a noted English scholar. As well as the work of American scholar James Tabor. []

        Jero Jones

    • Emeka Chinwuba says:

      I did not really go through all that you wrote but one thing is sure, all prophecy in the Bible were the words of God.
      If you don’t believe in Jesus ever existed the son of God, you probably don’t believe in God. In quote God is not human that you should demand whatever at your own discretion and have it.
      You are of no equal to the Almighty God his ways are not our ways, for the fact that before anything exist here on earth, man put it into action. So you should ought to believe the earth never came to be without an intelligent powerful force putting it into form.
      Isn’t it obvious that he made man in his own likeness, and one of the attributes is the creation, for humans created everything made from the earth, so did God Almighty made earth and every other cosmos and celestial bodies, been the GREAT GOD so are we the small gods. Of course if you go through the Bible very well you will understand that it surpassed human knowledge and understanding, even the devil cannot be that crafty enough to put it through. Observe and follow the commandments and the instructions in the Bible. for the mystery of the word in the Bible is only been revealed to those who believe in him “GOD. I also have been told in my dream about the ordinance of God.
      According to (mark 7:9)Then he told them, “You have such a fine way of rejecting the commandment of God in order to keep your own tradition.
      In (Daniel 7:25 kjv)and he said, And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.
      And according to (1 Corinthians 1-20:22)he says, Where is the wise man? Where is the scribe? Where is the debater of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world? 21For since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not come to know God, God was well-pleased through the foolishness of the message preached to save those who believe. 22For indeed Jews ask for signs and Greeks search for wisdom;
      (1 Corinthians 1- 25)Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men. 26For consider your calling, brethren, that there were not many wise according to the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble;…
      So brother am not going to sound too Biblical but know it that whatever you may have presumably said has been written in the Bible for ages.
      Go find out for yourself.


      • Jero Jones says:

        Hi Emeka Chinwuba
        With the utmost respect, you must know that the Bible has errors and contradictions, and that the Bible is the work of zealot men, who would stop at nothing to get their side of the story, if need be by faking it. This is not me saying all these things against the Bible, but scholar, who have for centuries being saying that the Bible is errant. You quoted 1 Corinthians, it with 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Philippians, 1 Thessalonians, and Philemon are the only authentic letters of Paul. However, Paul was a tentmaker and illiterate, and he never wrote any of his epistle, he dictated them to a scribe.[Bart D. Ehrman (2005), Misquoting Jesus, p. 58, harperOne, HarperCollins Publishers, New York.] Although Paul did sign his signature on only one epistle, and that was to authenticate his letter to the Galatians, Paul say: See with what large letters I am writing to you with my own hand.[Galatians 6:11] The rest of Paul’s epistles are forgeries, as are:
        Mark 16:9-20 the resurrection verses are a forgery. Scholar know that Mark 16 finished on verse 8, and that is a fact.
        Pericope of the Adulteress John 8:6 is a forgery.
        Johannine Comma 1 John 5:7-8 the Trinity verse is a forgery.
        The four canonical gospels Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are pseudepigraphical, and were not written by the named disciples, who were illiterate, but were written by highly educated Greek scholars who remain anonymous.
        I have been researching the Bible, Talmud and other Jewish scriptures, etc., for more than 5 decades, and I am only searching for the truth!

      • Riggidyro says:

        Alright you should probably educate yourself on the one called god from earlier more ancient texts, such as the sumerians.
        They put these into scientific perspective relative to waht humans today would understand as astronauts and scientists travelling to their world and conducting expirements for a purpose. Not unlike what will happen when an aboriginal tribe sees modern day man with flying machines and travelling through the skies and then is revered by the tribes as god. I assume theyre talked about to those who didnt experience the modern day vehicle and theyre informed about the gods(modern man an his technology) based on their crude understanding of what they witnessed.
        Now apply to that to ancient times 3000 years before christ when the sumerians do just that with technologies appearing beforr them and start worshipping highly advanced beings as gods, simply due to their lackbof understanding of their tech.
        These people are creditted for almost every first in mans history, the same people saying they got their information of agriculture, astronomy, trade and civilizing from those who travlled down from the skies, a god in their eyes. To us xtraterrestrials try wrapping yout mind around that thumpets.. ill also tell u the sumerians were the first to record a noah story the epic of gilgamesh, just different names and eras, but really a whole l ot ofvur stories that come out of the bible..
        Dont take my word for it im not god, go and research. .
        If your not affraid of the truth

    • jess says:

      historic evidence if u ever bothered to check it up

    • paul simpson says:

      A little silly a question. What makes you think Jesus existed at all. Jewish historian records Jesus his name is Josephus. Roman writings of history record Jesus as real. Then we have 12 apostles saying he lived he died on a cross he is alive again. 11 of them die as martyrs proclaiming Jesus is the only way to God the only savior of man. Historical and biblical. Murderers have been convicted on less eye witness evidence. Hope this answers your question. God bless

    • jadon foster says:

      we have multiple records from different witnesses, who were willing to die for what they knew.

  70. Darren Gollakner says:

    I love your stuff. Good work. The world would be a different place if we all asked questions instead of following like sheep.

    Here is something i came across. The bible states we are in the image of God. If i asked one to draw the image of a chicken it would be a chicken. Jesus gets stoned and says “it is in the law we are all Gods” Christians are taught to say Amen after praying. A…… MEN .. What if it should be Agod ….A..God. Just throwing this out there

    • GMoney says:

      Amen does not mean to men or some such thing. It has nothing to do with that. And Jesus is quoting an older work Psalms 82 which promises divine punishment and destruction on what are angels (gods or sons of god is a reference to angels). The scholarly work in this article is terrible. Your conception of what it means to see the Kingdom of God come are horrible. That being said I don’t blame you. Many have the same misconceptions due to centuries of poor Biblical scholarship by alleged “experts” this does not mean they got it all wrong, but many fundamental ideas are pretty far off particularly about the gospels and the Kingdom of God. Jesus did bring the Kingdom of God through his death, this is not a reference to the second-coming but a reference to the inauguration of God’s kingdom on earth with Jesus as Lord of it. This can be pretty easily defended with a bit of historical context and a Bible. I do not have time to go on.

      • jess says:

        amen means I agree in Hebrew or greek ive fogotton

      • paul simpson says:

        You are wrong on your equation reference Gods it does not mean angels.It means judges as having same authority as a magistrate. Amen means so be it.

      • Riggidyro says:

        Yeah go ahead and inform us where AMEN comes from enlightened one.. lol
        Could it come from Amun an egyptian deity? The answer is yes

  71. Jero Jones says:

    Hi Joe
    Glad this frail old body, but sharp brain has been of service!
    Un Cariad to you too!

    Jero Jones

  72. Jero Jones says:

    Hi Joe
    If we did as you say, then we would be fools, I would like to know who I am following, you tell us to heed Matthew, and and spread the gospel. Well scholars know that matthew did not write the named gospel, neither did Mark, Luke or John write their named gospels, so we would of taking the words of anonymous writers, even criminals. however, I have got it on good authority that the canonical gospel were written by highly Greek scholars. But, I am still not going to take their albeit anonymous say-so to give my wealth away!
    Mother Teresa of Calcutta was a she devil in disguise, she thrived of cruelty (like many catholic nun). as for little children, you are mistaken, they tried to keep her away from children, and the Vatican tried to squash the damning report about her decades before she died. Another link to the Calcutta Monster:
    Not sure on Mary* (a bit on her later) I believe the idiot disciples follow jesus according to the NT. I say idiot not out of malice or hatred, but that is what the Greek biblical manuscripts (MSS) call them especially Peter and John
    13 θεωρουντες δε την του πετρου [Perer]παρρησιαν και ιωαννου [John] και καταλαβομενοι οτι ανθρωποι αγραμματοι εισιν και ιδιωται [idiotai = idiots] εθαυμαζον επεγινωσκον τε αυτους οτι συν τω ιησου ησαν[Acts 4:13 1550 Stephanus New testament (TR1550)] The bracket [ ] and emphasis are mine, however, this is is how it is translated into English:
    13 Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marvelled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus.[Acts 4:13 KJV] Can anyone spot the word idiots, No they have change it to ignorant men!
    This is the verse that give scholar the information that Peter and John were illiterate, so they could not read , write or even dictate there supposed gospel, which are written by highly skilled Greek scholars.
    *Mary, as I said I would say something on her later, and I am assuming you mean the magdalene, as you have mentioned Peter or should it be Simeon Peter? This is what the likes of the disciples felt about women, and for female commentators please look away:
    Simon Peter said to them, “Mary should leave us, for females are not worthy of life.” Jesus said, “See, I am going to attract her to make her male so that she too might become a living spirit that resembles you males. For every female (element) that makes itself male will enter the kingdom of heaven.” On this saying the scholar Marvin Meyer quotes Zostrianos 131:2-10 for comparison: “Do not baptize yourselves with death, nor give yourselves into the hands of those who are inferior to you instead of those who are better. Flee from the madness and the bondage of femaleness, and choose for yourselves the salvation of maleness. You have not come [to] suffer, but rather you have come to escape your bondage.” (The Gospel of Thomas: The Hidden Sayings of Jesus, p. 110).
    I will not quote on the rest of your comment as I think what I have written will suffice.
    Jero Jones

  73. Joe says:

    History is a wheel, It repeats over and over.
    Fools will blindly follow other fools, that follow ultimately rich people calling the shots. If you believe in Jesus then do as he did otherwise you only lie to yourself.

    If you believe in Jesus then sell every earthly possession (money is the root of all evil – Matthew) – and only dedicate your life to the true and honest spread of the Gospel.

    Like Mother Theresa who gave up all, left riches and comfort to be come “as the people” – Jesus says if you don’t become as these “Little Children” you CANNOT enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

    These Little children were running to Jesus in love and compassion because they saw something special in him. And yet how many Americans or Adults show any compassion or love ? no they have there money.

    God did not ask people in any time or space to “Blindly follow” – he asked people to make a decision and to make it REAL.

    He asked Mary, to “Follow me” and she did because she wanted to. Jesus Asked the fisherman Peter and Andrew along with James, John the sons of Zebedee to Follow, and they made a conscience decision to follow him and “GIVE UP” everything they owned and lived for.

    The hypocrisy of it all comes into play in that people go to their cushy multi million dollar church building with there espresso machines and money and power.

    Then they can stand there and say they follow Jesus. Have you read the story of Jesus for yourself ever ?? Jesus had no earthly possessions, would have been considered a hippy in today’s age, and even went out of his way to mention in John “He had no place to lay his head”.

    When God told King David to do something, he reasoned in his mind and made a conscience decision to follow God, just as a person must do today.

    We do not go to a building with a doctrine to be indoctrinated and become a clone of fake religion.

    Jesus encouraged the people to pray “Alone” in your closet, to not be a spectacle but rather to love and give up the fake Pharisee like lifestyle that today’s church continues.

    How can I say this ? Because I have been in church leadership and seen it.

    I have lived it, and I have faked it.

    The Truth is that there must be a God or several Gods because the planet is just to perfect and to perfectly aligned with the Sun and so on, with no other signs of life around.

    Past that it could be anything, as every other religion is man influenced and ultimately man controlled. And if you look at the root of what brings them control and power it is always MONEY!!

    Money is what I am giving up !!! God tells my heart that no matter what the truth is, I will find it but not first without searching on my own personal journey which we cannot do if we are stuck in indoctrinating churches being told to clone yourself into something different instead of BE YOURSELF !!! – One love to All —

    if Offense is taken, I am sorry but many people were offended by Jesus and his words as well… One LOVE — Love is the Answer

    • paul simpson says:

      God is love he sent Jesus to save you. Jesus is the only way to God because he is God.Jesus blood pays the penalty of your sins. If you truly believe confess your a sinner ask him to save you and come into your life and make himself real to you. He will do their is no name other than Jesus Christ that can save you.God bless you.

    • Rodney says:

      “If you believe in Jesus then do as he did otherwise you only lie to yourself.”

      Joe, I know you are right on this point. Every comment on this website and all others for all time on this subject matter boils down to your astute observation. The application of your observation requires faith and that means loss of self. Oh, must the truth be so terrible, Must we all drink from his cup of wrath? As I write these words, I think of the Apostle’s question to Christ, “… who can be saved?” Truly I lament and recoil in my own soul as I face this truth; realizing I am weakest among men and wonder, who will save us from ourselves. God help us… in the name of your Christ!

  74. Jero Jones says:

    Hi Joe
    You sound like a godly person, you say “god doesn’t ask anyone to blindly follow anything, but rather to be intelligent thinkers, and examine all things to find the truth” (your words). However, according to the Bible, god gives commands, he doesn’t want people to think, he wants them to follow his order to the letter! Surely you must know that! This is what god commanded Moses to do:
    And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying,
    2 Avenge the children of Israel of the Midianites: afterward shalt thou be gathered unto thy people.
    3 And Moses spake unto the people, saying, Arm some of yourselves unto the war, and let them go against the Midianites, and avenge the Lord of Midian.
    4 Of every tribe a thousand, throughout all the tribes of Israel, shall ye send to the war.
    5 So there were delivered out of the thousands of Israel, a thousand of every tribe, twelve thousand armed for war.
    6 And Moses sent them to the war, a thousand of every tribe, them and Phinehas the son of Eleazar the priest, to the war, with the holy instruments, and the trumpets to blow in his hand.
    7 And they warred against the Midianites, as the Lord commanded Moses; and they slew all the males.
    8 And they slew the kings of Midian, beside the rest of them that were slain; namely, Evi, and Rekem, and Zur, and Hur, and Reba, five kings of Midian: Balaam also the son of Beor they slew with the sword.
    9 And the children of Israel took all the women of Midian captives, and their little ones, and took the spoil of all their cattle, and all their flocks, and all their goods.
    10 And they burnt all their cities wherein they dwelt, and all their goodly castles, with fire.
    11 And they took all the spoil, and all the prey, both of men and of beasts.
    12 And they brought the captives, and the prey, and the spoil, unto Moses, and Eleazar the priest, and unto the congregation of the children of Israel, unto the camp at the plains of Moab, which are by Jordan near Jericho.
    13 And Moses, and Eleazar the priest, and all the princes of the congregation, went forth to meet them without the camp.
    14 And Moses was wroth with the officers of the host, with the captains over thousands, and captains over hundreds, which came from the battle.
    15 And Moses said unto them, Have ye saved all the women alive?
    16 Behold, these caused the children of Israel, through the counsel of Balaam, to commit trespass against the Lord in the matter of Peor, and there was a plague among the congregation of the Lord.
    17 Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him.
    18 But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.
    By the way Moses didn’t examine god’s words, he just obeyed.
    I agree the native Americans had a bad deal from the Anglo-Saxon mentality, the same happened to my people, by the same Anglo-saxon mentality. However, glad to say that we the native and ancient Brythoniaid (Britons) are still here, with our ancient language still in-tacked. Whilst theirs has been amalgamated with the dozen or so other Germanic languages (Saxon, Angle, Jute, Dane, Norse, Norse-Gael, Viking, and Norman, etc.)of old to produce the modern English today.
    On the Bible it is all man-made!
    On who wrote the Bible, I can attest that in my five decades of research, and it is the consensus of most New Testament scholar that, it was certainly NOT the named Disciple (They were illiterate according to the Bible, and scholars. Actually the Bible (Greek biblical manuscripts) calls Peter and John–Idiots, and Jesus does not fair that good either.) was written by anonymous Greek scholars, highly educated, and that is the consensus.
    Luke did not write the Gospel of Luke, as I previously said it was a Greek scholar or scholars, and scholars are also of the opinion the the gospel of John was written over a long period, and that many hands wrote the gospel.
    On how they were written, we can hypothesize that the first gospels were written on papyrus, I say this owing to P52, the oldest known fragment of the book of John, dated mid 2nd century.
    As for asking eyewitness 40 to 60 years after the event is not going to be accurate, and that is why we have 300,000 to 400,000 error within the Greek manuscripts, and that not counting the forgeries, pseudepigraphical, spurious, and interpolations, etc.
    On the crosses, I am not sure what you are saying, especially the voices, etc. Everyone of the ancient Greek biblical manuscripts says that Jesus was executed on a Stauros (Stake or Upright Pale), the Bible is also contradictory on this matter too! Bible says: The God of our fathers raised up Jesus, whom ye slew and hanged on a tree.[Acts 5:30] Why I believe that that the man Jesus was executed on a Stauros (Stake), is that the cross was a pagan symbol at the time, and had been for millennia, and the Catholic Encyclopedia 1913, states that the cross/crucifix was adopted by the church in the mid 6th century.
    I have been seeking the truth through knowledge for many decades, and I through many of my mentors, have found the light, not by faith, but by historical truth gained through knowledge.
    I hope I have been of service (not a pun) and my comment are of interest to you!
    Cymerwch gofal (Take care)
    Cofion (regards)
    Deuce (it’s a pun) Jero Jones

    • Joe says:

      Nice — good stuff man — I will keep searching for truth as well.. Peace to you

      • Ernesto m. says:

        so I was looking for the truth too..most of my life couldn’t find it…
        Then I’d read and believe…John 14:6 …mmm..if God is the same now and then.. I’m entitled to receive the truth ,, I can understand that simple
        For me it was the first step to really get revelations from the word of God
        Without accepting this words of the Lord Jesus..then keep looking
        there are others religions that may answer in a more worldly way.. to me…I had to make a decision and accepting the Lord Jesus as my saver..lawer Á it’s all clear..
        I’m convinced that God is real , is a great spiritual power..and you can fill that.. the more I read the scriptures the more it makes sense all the teachings and messages from God..just a comment..

      • jess says: good info

    • Ernesto m. says:

      so I was looking for the truth too..most of my life couldn’t find it…
      Then I’d read and believe…John 14:6 …mmm..if God is the same now and then.. I’m entitled to receive the truth ,, I can understand that simple
      For me it was the first step to really get revelations from the word of God
      Without accepting this words of the Lord Jesus..then keep looking
      there are others religions that may answer in a more worldly way.. to me…I had to make a decision and accepting the Lord Jesus as my saver..lawer Á it’s all clear..
      I’m convinced that God is real , is a great spiritual power..and you can fill that.. the more I read the scriptures the more it makes sense all the teachings and messages from God..just a comment..

    • paul simpson says:

      The truth is in Jesus Christ ask him to save you ask him to come into your life and be born of his spirit. Taste and see that the lord is good Jesus saves from sin he is the only way to God. It takes faith to be saved I know you believe now receive him ask him to come inside you by his holy spirit he will. Jesus said he would. He does.

  75. NightCrawler says:

    Yo people. How’s u all. Yo writer dude, I respect what you believe in and what you wrote, man but it could be offending to Christians. Well, I mean, Christians have said a lotta offending stuff to me like denying the existence of Gods I belive in and then getting some stuff from the Bible to back them up. Maybe they’ve offended you too huh, writer. I didn’t feel bad though, when they did, cuz my religion tought me to respect all the other religons. I mean, I could’ve too said some words from Quran or Bhagavad Gita and proved them all wrong in one shot, but na, I’ve been tought to respect all the religions and what they believe in. Take it easy, man. If people offend you, dont get sad. Let them say what they want. Let them believe in whatever they want.. Well yeah it is wrong to deny others believe, but you don’t have to do the same, man. It’ll make you angry, and you’d want revenge. Revenge not good. Respect all

    • NightCrawler says:

      Taught*, beliefs*

    • Joe says:

      I hear ya — sorry not to be disrespectful but what is respect ? respect does not mean you don’t point out what you think to be true — respect simply means you “allow” everyone the right to have there own opinion — I stated some of mine — you state some of yours and it’s all good 🙂 — ONE LOVE !!!

      • NightCrawler says:

        Yeah and respect also means not offending others by going against their beliefs, which happens.

  76. Joe says:

    Doubt is not disbelief, but rather examination.
    Doubt is a part of life !! If you don’t doubt you don’t search, and if you don’t search, you don’t find. Question everything until there are no questions left for you !! Each person is on there own separate journey !! A Personal journey and a Personal relationship to God or the spiritual world.

    God doesn’t ask anyone to blindly follow anything, but rather to be intelligent thinkers, and examine all things to find real truth.

    I have been on every side of this equation and after careful consideration and study, I find that there are too many inconsistencies for the Bible to not have some Man made influences.

    Does this mean the Bible is void of helpful knowledge and good principles for understand ??
    By no means but to say that Native Americans all died and went to Hell cause no one could come tell them about Jesus is just absurd.

    There are real inconsistencies and real biblical conflicts, but the ones mentioned here in my opinion do not show an intelligent response to the Bible but rather an emotional response.

    There are many things that you mentioned that can be explained by simply seeing from a different perspective and you should do your research on who historically wrote these books and who they were because it DOES matter.

    For instance Luke the Physician wrote the book of Luke, and how did he write it ??

    His goal was to collect a full account of Jesus from start to finish so he went around asking eyewitnesses. It is entirely possible for people to be near enough to the Cross to hear them speak as you were allowed to walk up to the base of the crosses as per Roman history.

    By allowing you to see the person up close the Romans knew that you’d be a lot less likely to disobey their orders, but does this make Jesus God ? Does this make the Bible True ??

    I can’t say that either, I can simply say, the Bible has many truth’s in it, but certainly does not appear to be a full enough account, and has been influenced by men, that had motives of Power just as they do today.

    Consider everything, Question Everything !! Why ?? Because it’s the question that drives us to the answer, and not the Answer that drives us to the question !!! SEEK GOD there is one !! but past that I can’t say, as I am but a humble seeker.

    One Love ~ Joe

    • Jero Jones says:

      Hi Joe
      You sound like a godly person, you say “god doesn’t ask anyone to blindly follow anything, but rather to be intelligent thinkers, and examine all things to find the truth” (your words). However, according to the Bible, god gives commands, he doesn’t want people to think, he wants them to follow his order to the letter! Surely you must know that! This is what god commanded Moses to do:
      And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying,
      2 Avenge the children of Israel of the Midianites: afterward shalt thou be gathered unto thy people.
      3 And Moses spake unto the people, saying, Arm some of yourselves unto the war, and let them go against the Midianites, and avenge the Lord of Midian.
      4 Of every tribe a thousand, throughout all the tribes of Israel, shall ye send to the war.
      5 So there were delivered out of the thousands of Israel, a thousand of every tribe, twelve thousand armed for war.
      6 And Moses sent them to the war, a thousand of every tribe, them and Phinehas the son of Eleazar the priest, to the war, with the holy instruments, and the trumpets to blow in his hand.
      7 And they warred against the Midianites, as the Lord commanded Moses; and they slew all the males.
      8 And they slew the kings of Midian, beside the rest of them that were slain; namely, Evi, and Rekem, and Zur, and Hur, and Reba, five kings of Midian: Balaam also the son of Beor they slew with the sword.
      9 And the children of Israel took all the women of Midian captives, and their little ones, and took the spoil of all their cattle, and all their flocks, and all their goods.
      10 And they burnt all their cities wherein they dwelt, and all their goodly castles, with fire.
      11 And they took all the spoil, and all the prey, both of men and of beasts.
      12 And they brought the captives, and the prey, and the spoil, unto Moses, and Eleazar the priest, and unto the congregation of the children of Israel, unto the camp at the plains of Moab, which are by Jordan near Jericho.
      13 And Moses, and Eleazar the priest, and all the princes of the congregation, went forth to meet them without the camp.
      14 And Moses was wroth with the officers of the host, with the captains over thousands, and captains over hundreds, which came from the battle.
      15 And Moses said unto them, Have ye saved all the women alive?
      16 Behold, these caused the children of Israel, through the counsel of Balaam, to commit trespass against the Lord in the matter of Peor, and there was a plague among the congregation of the Lord.
      17 Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him.
      18 But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.
      By the way Moses didn’t examine god’s words, he just obeyed.
      I agree the native Americans had a bad deal from the Anglo-Saxon mentality, the same happened to my people, by the same Anglo-Saxon mentality. However, glad to say that we the native and ancient Brythoniaid (Britons) are still here, with our ancient language still in-tacked. Whilst theirs has been amalgamated with the dozen or so other Germanic languages (Saxon, Angle, Jute, Dane, Norse, Norse-Gael, Viking, and Norman, etc.)of old to produce the modern English today.
      On the Bible it is all man-made!
      On who wrote the Bible, I can attest that in my five decades of research, and it is the consensus of most New Testament scholar that, it was certainly NOT the named Disciple (They were illiterate according to the Bible, and scholars. Actually the Bible (Greek biblical manuscripts) calls Peter and John–Idiots, and Jesus does not fair that good either.) was written by anonymous Greek scholars, highly educated, and that is the consensus.
      Luke did not write the Gospel of Luke, as I previously said it was a Greek scholar or scholars, and scholars are also of the opinion the the gospel of John was written over a long period, and that many hands wrote the gospel.
      On how they were written, we can hypothesize that the first gospels were written on papyrus, I say this owing to P52, the oldest known fragment of the book of John.
      As for asking eyewitness 40 to 60 years after the event is not going to be accurate, and that is why we have 300,000 to 400,000 error within the Greek manuscripts, and that not counting the forgeries, pseudepigraphical, spurious, and interpolations, etc.
      On the crosses, I am not sure what you are saying, especially the voices, etc. Everyone of the ancient Greek biblical manuscripts says that Jesus was executed on a Stauros (Stake or Upright Pale), the Bible is also contradictory on this matter too! Bible says: The God of our fathers raised up Jesus, whom ye slew and hanged on a tree.[Acts 5:30] Why I believe that that the man Jesus was executed on a Stauros (Stake), is that the cross was a pagan symbol at the time, and had been for millennia, and the Catholic Encyclopedia 1913, states that the cross/crucifix was adopted by the church in the mid 6th century.
      I have been seeking the truth through knowledge for many decades, and I through many of my mentors, have found the light, not by faith, but by historical truth gained through knowledge.
      I hope I have been of service (not a pun) and my comment are of interest to you!
      Cymerwch gofal (Take care)
      Cofion (regards)
      Deuce (its a pun) Jero Jones

    • jess says:

      2 timothy 3:26

  77. Bhoskmalet says:

    To the person who wrote this.
    You are wrong. you all misunderstood the words. God does not want you to die. He did not say himself that he was going to kill someone. He wanted us to sacrifice ourselves and wants to remake ourselves better. The apostles weren’t there at the time because the romans would kill them if they found out the apostles were with him.

    To tell you the truth the bible and science link(

    People look at the bible and say its a piece of junk. its not. it’s because you don’t understand the bible words. Imagine! its older than you think it is. many words in the Bible have different meaning. Like in the Bible in Genesis, When God said he created Light and Darkness. he doesn’t literally create light and dark in a matter of seconds. you have to remember when he created the Light and darkness. during that time there was no Time, Months and years. So it has to happened slowly. And then from there became light like day or the sun and dark like the night. But how did we know it was day and night? We called the light, Day and we called the Dark, Night

    • Jero Jones says:

      Hi Bhoskmalet
      Not guilty, it wasn’t me! It was him! No sh*t, and there is me think god is an evil bar-Stewart all these years, and Moses too, how can I say sorry! So the Bible doesn’t mean what it says, for the last fifty odd years I have been reading it all wrong… may my college tutor rot in his grave for telling me such lies (if he is not dead, he is the oldest man in the world). You sound as if you speak to god… do you? I’m a bit of a coward, so sacrificing myself is out, however, I’m all for making myself better, old age and diabetes is not good, I tell you! I sure could do with a miracle or two to make all my pains go away, instead of me taking all this damn pills, they make me rattle when I walk. Good for you! You’re the first Christian that has said that — Bible and science link! Tell me how does Ussher’s chronology of the age of the earth according to the Bible is dated 4004 BCE or 6019 year old as of this year (2015), link or match with 4.6 billion years that science attest is the age of the earth. I would really like to know!
      I am certainly not one of those people who think the ancient biblical manuscripts are junk, far from it–they are textual treasures, and I really do me that! However, they are not without flaws, and they certainly have lots of errors, take the very old Manuscripts, they’re missing the resurrection verses, they only have the short version of Mark 16:1-8, which stops at verse 8. However, we are lucky that a few centuries later some scribe notice this and filled it in, so now we have the long version of Mark 16:1-20 which includes the fake verses 9-20.
      I have looked up time, and it was invented with the first timepiece in the 15th century, so you were right on that (full marks for you, well done!), when you said that there was no time when god did the light and dark job, etc. I am a bit stuck on what you said– god called light Day and dark Night? I wondered how that came about! However I thought the English language that is spoken today only goes back to the 2nd quarter of the 19th century, before that it was the Ye Olde shippe English, and before that it was Elizabethan English, and before that it was Middle Englisce, and before that it was Germanic or as the English call it “Old English.” What you are saying is that god spoke Modern English! Well I am damned! And there is me thinking that my language was the oldest in Europe, and much, much older than modern English, there one for the books!
      Well one last word, so you say I should not take any notice of what is said in the bible, that goes for the book of Numbers 31:7-18, such as killing, genocide, rape, paedophile, arson, looting & pillaging, etc., god didn’t mean that barbarity, so what happened, did they all have a picnic?
      Jero Jones

  78. mail says:

    the most useless post that lack basic biblical understand.Mr writer if u care to know the answer to ur malicious doubt are answered by reading the whole chapters from which u quote from . I doubt u will knowing very well that u are lost it not too late cry to Jesus for your unbelieve and he w
    ould save you

    • Whoever you are… Get a life.

      Save me from what, precisely?

      I see people cry to Jesus all the time and he doesn’t do anything; stands there and allows young girls to be kidnapped and raped and sold into slavery. What do you say to that?

      • Selena says:

        we are a broken world. God did not want us to feel this pain but we do it to ourselves everyday by sinning.

      • jess says:

        in the bible it says the evil one controls the world. another question why does god allow satan to control the world. if u actually wanna no ze answer go to

    • Jero Jones says:

      Hi mail
      I quote your own words: “the most useless post that lack biblical understand.” Its the “biblical understand” that I draw your attention to! For nobody can understand the most controversial and contradictory book ever written by man, and I say man owing to the many hundred of thousand error that scholars have found, that are on top of a myriad of forgeries inserted from the 2nd century on. The bible has two meaning of everything between it pages such as:
      God dwells in chosen temples 2 Chron 7:12,16
      God dwells not in temples Acts 7:48 or
      God dwells in light Tim 6:16
      God dwells in darkness 1 Kings 8:12/ Ps 18:11/ Ps 97:2 and there are 100’s more contradictions within the Bible. On forgeries within the Bible you need look no further than the resurrection verses of Mark 16:9-20, which do not appear in the earliest biblical manuscripts (MSS), or the Pericope of the Adulteress (John 7:53-8:11), and again there are many more forgeries, so the lack of biblical understand covers the whole of Chrisendom. What you don’t realise is that when these biblical forgers (Copyists) were busy themselves in the past, they forgot that manuscripts were being produced all over the place, and that posterity would see through their interpolations/inserts/fakes and forgeries. So as a student of biblical general history in the 1950’s, I am still perplexed with the Bible in my retirement years, so do I understand it after nearly six decades, No! So now I look on religion and superstition as a byproduct of man’s earliest ancestors. Who came out of the trees to walk upright upon the earth, and when it got dark, their inept brains screamed for a saviour to help them through the dark of night until the dawning of a new day.

      Regards Jero Jones

  79. Jay V says:

    The seasons change because of the Earths rotation around the Sun. In the beginning man was cursed with winter and fall… Which would imply that god did not intend on season shifts…which would mean the earth would not orbit or spin…no night time, no evening(yet there was evening). One side of the world would have always been dark and freezing below 0 cold. Dont know how anyone can keeo sexual control seeing each other naked 24/7. They did not know they were naked? How could they have sex without noticing each others sexy parts? After sex they see more nakedness from others…yet not look at another naked sexy person sexually?

  80. Jay V says:

    The bible says no man knows Gods thoughts but God. Yet the narrator in genesis knew gods thoughts “for the lord said in his heart, I will never flood the earth again”… in third person. Was it god? Nope, many inconsistencies and scientific errors in genesis for god to have wrote it. All the giants died in flood, as Genesis says…where did Goliath and his brothers come from….gee…strange

  81. Jay V says:

    The story of the rich man and lazerus proves the bible wrong. The rich man is on fire and having a conversation. He’s a skeleton (or should be) but has a tongue?…Thats on fire…and talking with it…able to perfectly breath in that fiery, stinky, muggy place called hell and no suffocation from smoke or breathing problems to prevent him from talking?… yea okay

    And its no parable because specific names are mentioned… Mind you revelation says a star will hit the earth and we still gonna be here

  82. Les Enfants says:

    recently i have heard an exoplanation of this from a christian fellow of mine. it is mind blowing to see the amount of their dishonesty even to themselves just to avoid facing the truth. he said:
    “this is not a contradiction or a lie, because Elijah basically didn’t die in the bible, and he was alive when jesus made the promise, and because he is still alive (he never even died), jesus didn’t lie”
    so jesus could come in a million years (or never) and the prophecy would still be true.

  83. Jero Jones says:

    Hi Carl
    I am quoting you verbatim: Your looking at it all wrong…..something is not a defect if it is done on purpose. God purposely allows for so called ‘birth defects’, to open peoples hearts back up, to pull out the suppressed emotions and to bring families closer together.
    What a wicked god you have to allow the horrors of defect to marr the lives of children, and their families, so he can pull out the suppressed emotions to bring families closer, what a load of bull. Its the same god that ordered Moses to commit all types of crime , from genocide of a nation, murder, rape, child molestation, pillage and steal, etc. This is what your Bible say of your god: 7 And they warred against the Midianites, as the Lord commanded Moses; and they slew all the males.
    8 And they slew the kings of Midian, beside the rest of them that were slain; namely, Evi, and Rekem, and Zur, and Hur, and Reba, five kings of Midian: Balaam also the son of Beor they slew with the sword.
    9 And the children of Israel took all the women of Midian captives, and their little ones, and took the spoil of all their cattle, and all their flocks, and all their goods.
    10 And they burnt all their cities wherein they dwelt, and all their goodly castles, with fire.
    11 And they took all the spoil, and all the prey, both of men and of beasts.
    12 And they brought the captives, and the prey, and the spoil, unto Moses, and Eleazar the priest, and unto the congregation of the children of Israel, unto the camp at the plains of Moab, which are by Jordan near Jericho.
    13 And Moses, and Eleazar the priest, and all the princes of the congregation, went forth to meet them without the camp.
    14 And Moses was wroth with the officers of the host, with the captains over thousands, and captains over hundreds, which came from the battle.
    15 And Moses said unto them, Have ye saved all the women alive?
    16 Behold, these caused the children of Israel, through the counsel of Balaam, to commit trespass against the Lord in the matter of Peor, and there was a plague among the congregation of the Lord.
    17 Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him.
    18 But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.[Numbers 31:7-18]
    This is but one sample of your god’s wickedness, as the bible tells us so!
    Jero Jones

    • Bill says:

      Your looking at it all wrong, if God had his way we wouldn’t exist. There would be no pain because there would be nothing. The disappointment he realized in human creation was such that he wanted to undo it, and Jesus was against it. Jesus put himself in jeopardy and went through so much it was hurtful for God to witness, to the point he listened to Jesus. Now that doesn’t mean this is all Jesus fault, because it is simply all mankind’s fault. Out of the majority of greedy, gullible, evil minded population there was a handful that were not, and its those who Jesus was out to save, which he did. Mankind continues on but we continue alone. Look at it as if we are left in charge, take a good look at us ! Power, greed and war one time after another, a never ending cycle, take a look through documented history right up to now, and you will see nothing has changed except things are going to go bang one day. You can see what man does to one another, you’ve seen the holocaust and prison camps footage, you’ve seen the US drop nuclear bombs on civilian cities, you’ve seen footage of world war 1 & 2 then Vietnam and on and on and on. Take a look around at the never ending hatred in mankind.
      God allows this, God allows that, bla bla bla. Mans hunger for power & greed creates this and although you stand here watching it around yourself you blame God. He hasn’t got a finger in what’s going on here, it’s just man fighting man “or at least those stupid enough to”. On the other hand you have people that are forced to, that don’t want to, should they resist they will be killed, their family attacked, the wickedness of mankind is as thick as the air you breathe. I think you would suggest it is Gods fault because he created man with the ability to know wrong from right and be capable of executing either of these capabilities. In your eyes he should have created a docile moron like being with only the ability be good, having no brain to function on it’s own.
      Don’t worry about deformed babies and all the rest, just worry about yourself, or is it you don’t worry about them at all and just use it as a evil stick to help poke a peaceful God with.

      • Jero Jones says:

        Hi Bill
        No, I am not looking at it wrong! Your concept of a god and the man Jesus, are not mine, I did away with your beliefs when I started my voyage of discovery to find truth through knowledge in the 1950’s, and every day I work on my research I grow stronger that I am ‘good without god!’ Christianity is the most contradictory, most evil bloody barbarous religion that the world has seen. You talk of a peaceful god, which book did you read that in? Not my Bible or the several other Bibles I have in my library or in my virtual online library. You have probably kept to the New Testament (NT) and not read the Hebrew Bible aka Old Testament (OT), you should take a look, and read about the murderous duo pack of god and Moses. Boy don’t they like massacres! One should ask the question: is the Christian god, a god of love and mercy? Or does he condone evil, and unbelievable violence, which encompass genocide, murder (to include: infanticide, androcide, femicide, regicide) arson, slavery, rustling, pillaging and theft, and the sexual molestation (paedophilia) of children. According to the Hebrew Bible (OT), god is all this evil, and much, much more (Numbers 31:7-18). And if we are to believe the Bible, Moses and other biblical leading lights were his lieutenants in crime, crimes so unimaginable and so heinous in nature that they go against the very fabric of humanity. Religion has always been on the dark side of humanity, with animal/human sacrificial offerings in polytheist time, and with the advent of monotheism came Christian atrocities against heretic and non-believers, in the form of Crusades, Inquisitions/Autos de fe, and the continually wars against those that did not follow the doctrines of Rome. On the death of the innocents caused by the Roman Church in their pursuit to clense the world of so-called heretics, the scholar and cleric Dowling in his classic wrote: …From the birth of Popery in 606 to the present time, it is estimated by careful and credible historians, that more than fifty millions of the human family, have been slaughtered for the crime of heresy by popish persecutors, an average of more than forty thousand religious murders for every year of the existence of popery….[John Dowling, (1846) History of Romanism, pp. 541, 542. New York]
        Plaisted in his study on the numbers killed by the papacy, wrote: One can excuse a few thousand cases as exceptional, but millions and millions of victims can only be the result of a systematic policy, thereby showing the harmful results of church-state unions.
        On belief, I do not believe in an unseeing invisable deity in the clouds, and on the man Jesus, I believe in the man the Jews report in their holy book the Talmud, and not the made-up Christian version, whom the converted to a god, three centuries after his supposed death! My Jesus aka Ben Pandera/Pandira aka Ben Stada, was a tattooed (and a fool) wizard, who spent many years in Egypt (probably the lost 18 years that are missing in the NT). He was the son of a Roman soldier Pandera, who was the paramour of Miriam/Mary the hairdresser. Who was turned away by her husband, when she got pregnant by the Roman soldier.[Babylonian Talmud, folio 4b, Gemara (He who has scratches marks on his flesh), and footnote 19 on the uncensored text] On Pandera, who was born in Sidon not very far from Galilee, a headstone was excavated in Germany in 1859, and many scholars believe this is the same Pandera as mentioned in the Talmud, as the paramour of Mary.[]

        N.B. the uncensored text relates to when Christianity, who tried to destroy and censor all Jewish holy books that mentioned Jesus, however, many Talmud survived outside the Roman empire as well as universities, who protected these textual treasure for posterity.

        Jero Jones

  84. Jero Jones says:

    Hi Carl
    On the Carbon 14 testing you are wrong, you need to read the fine print of the subject that you are commenting on, before taking pen to paper, so to say. Carbon 14 has a half-life of 5730 ± 30 years and and accurate on carbonaceous materials that is no older than 70,000 year, however, in geology radiometric dating is used.
    Creationist and other religious sceptics do not provide scientific evidence for their views on how old or young the earth is, the founder of modern creationist Dr Henry Morris (Ph. D in hydraulic engineering, and he was not a theologian nor a biblical scholar) vehemently attested that the earth was less than 10,000, compared to the 4.6 billion years scientific research has unfolded. Paleontologists have refined their calculations since the early days of geology, and today the calculations through radiometric testing is so precise that they give an accuracy of ±1%. This is what a science papers say on the accuracy of scientific testing: Every few years, new geologic time scales are published, providing the latest dates for major time lines. Older dates may change by a few million years up and down, but younger dates are stable. For example, it has been known since the 1960s that the famous Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary, the line marking the end of the dinosaurs, was 65 million years old. Repeated recalibrations and retests, using ever more sophisticated techniques and equipment, cannot shift that date. It is accurate to within a few thousand years. With modern, extremely precise, methods, error bars are often only 1% or so.
    [] On geology, no hominid or human fossils have ever been found in the same or anywhere near the strata that dinosaurs are to be found. I live in an area that geologist say contains the oldest rock to be found anywhere on earth, the Cambrian era, and within a 10 mile radius of where I live is an 8,000 year old Cromlech (neolithic grave), 36,000 year old Neanderthal teeth, and the remains of a 230,000 human.[]
    So the Creationist theory of a young earth is just the pipe dream of deluded Christian zealots.
    Jero Jones

  85. Jero Jones says:

    Hi Carl
    By your comments I take you to be a Young Earth Creationist, or at least a fundamentalist, who has been deluded by his elders, who have taken Behemoth, and the Leviathan from the book of Job, to counter Darwinism, to claim that dinosaurs lived in the time of man. Scholars and scientist have theorized over the metaphors used in the verses of Job to come up with a Hippo and crocodile, long before Creationist took up the mantle to claim wrongly that Job was referring to a dinosaur. What we have are fossils of creature that lived many millions of years ago, in the rocks of every mounting in the world. We have fossils on the highest peaks to the great plain. What they all have in common is that they are all hundreds of millions of years old, laid down in the rocks well before man’s ancestor climbed down from the trees and walked upright on two legs some 1.8 million years ago.
    Like you I believe the rubbish that church elders spouted, only to find through higher education in the 1950’s that it was a sham. The elders were deluding there congregations, as they themselves were deluded by their elders in times gone past. If you want the truth, just open your eyes, and read what the scholars have to say, and read the true history of the Bible, how zealots wrote the scriptures, and that Jesus and his disciples were illiterate, not the Aramaic/Greek scholars that we are told they were. All this is in the Bible!
    Jero Jones

  86. Ggbr89 says:

    People wrote the Bible and in the bible it never says that God wrote the Bible and used only angels to translate stories to people man will manipulate anything for self gain and power. The big letters is all about fear and control, fear and hate. Lots of Christians are taught to be bigot judging others and instilling hate into children. There are a lot of bible thumping people belonging to organisations that call themselves Christians they can’t even get along with the other Christians that call themselves Christians and supposedly they are beLIEving the same thing. Judge and hate. God’s real but god has nothing to do with hate that man has made in the bible.

    • Bill says:

      Also religions pick bits and pieces from parts of the bible and interpret them wrongly just as the evolutionist guy who made this site does. The bible is read as a whole and it’s not just a matter of sentence picking. God made good and evil, so we get the bible bashes pushing the point God made evil ! Why would any good loving God do that blah blah blah. What God says is that everything is his creation and his creations were for the good. He made man in his own image with a sophisticated brain that can decide for itself what is wrong & what is right. He gave mankind the power to decide their own will, and by doing this it created evil. Only the good willed will have a place with God, the rest will be destroyed with all evil. Evil will not exist, so eventually there will be no satan and no hell. Unfortunately religions also use scare campaigns to get people to believe and their religion, and the one about going to hell forever is a typical one. The Bible as a whole tells of a good loving God that will rid all evil and select all good for his Kingdom. By picking at small parts of the Bible is just childish stupidity.

      The problem with evolution is that when you ask a scientist that pushes evolution “If there is nothing there how can something start” they automatically have no idea. So the very first question and they have no idea. Then their second answer would be “But when something did start it evolved over billions trillions of years”. So we go from no idea how anything started to talking about what billions & trillions of years can achieve by itself. Yeah RIGHT !
      The fact is that there is nothing that can start from absolutely nothing, they know it, you know it, I know it. If things could then why are dinosaurs extinct ? They can start again from nothing right ? We just need to give things a few billion or trillion years and BANG they are back.

      The only explanation is that something has always been there forever because we know for fact things cannot start from nothing. Also that “something” cannot be anything to do with us because FOREVER is a long time and according to evolution scientists are suggesting we would be evolved into Gods by now, that’s the scientific evolution facts. So going by this that’s not possible, the only possibility is we have not been here forever and something created us not long ago. The only certainty I have is that God has been there forever, he never started he has always been and always will be. It’s through the creation of us by God we came to be, and this explains the exact situation we are in today. Also the heavens go forever as he describes, they are continuous. Why is this so hard for some people to fathom ? Take a look into the sky, does it look like it’s going to hit a brick wall anytime ? If it did stop then what is stopping it, and what is it. For something to just stop there has to be something in the way, and whatever that thing is has to go forever otherwise you could bust through it and keep going. Heavens going forever are extremely logical along with God being there forever. Forget about miracles this is just plain logical sense. The scientific evolutionists theory is the greatest magic miracle of them all, “We evolved from absolutely nothing” Wow that’s a miracle of all miracles !!! Let alone mentioning they actually believe that to be theoretically impossible, yet that’s what they believe. Hmm Right ???

      • Thomas says:

        Another deluded Christian zealot who believes a story that contradicts itself in many places. I think Jero Jones did the work for me. And I am pretty sure that just because he is ‘timeless’ in your words doesn’t exempt him from needing a creator. Ask yourself: what made God? He has to have had some origin. Just saying he is timeless is not an excuse. Sorry.

  87. Bill says:

    The bible is the greatest STORY ever told.
    It’s a STORY. Not real. Wake up people.

  88. Bryan says:

    And,by the way,I do know someone who has seen truth,ME!

  89. Bryan says:

    I suppose you have EXCACT PROOF that God don’t exist.I’m not no “creationist” and if anyone has a perverse look at the world it’s you.all you care about is ruining people’s beliefs well guess what?you aren’t gonna ruin are probably just some sad atheist that can’t figure out what to do with your life.I don’t CARE if your already grown up and stuff,with a career,your life is worthless without the Lord,and ONE DAY you WILL admit it.ONE DAY you will be sent to hell for not believing.I DONT CARE if you say “there is no hell,or heaven,or God ” but I KNOW there might think I’m stupid for believing in it,but in the end you are.Go on, say “your are still rambling on about how “in the end” and whatnot, I don’t care.

    • Jero Jones says:

      On proof of god existing, no one who has ever lived has proven that god exists, it is all a figment of imagination, brought about by church indoctrination of a superstition that is a relic of its pagan origins, which there is proof of. If man according to the Bible is made in god’s image, which image would that be? For if we look at man’s ancestry, then that image would be of a primate, not much different from the ones that live today that have 98% similar DNA as that of humans.
      Jero Jones

    • Bryan, I don’t have “EXCACT PROOF” that God don’t doesn’t exist, but I do have mountains of circumstantial evidence i.e. this website. What is your ‘EXCACT PROOF” that God does exist. I’m still waiting for that. As you probably don’t know, it is impossible to prove a negative (God doesn’t exist) but it is possible to prove a positive (God Does Exist) so lay it on me. But please don’t use quotes from the Bible, show me specific events, facts that I can hang my eternal hat on.

      • jess says:

        dna and other very detailed structure of YOUR body came by evolution or happened by magic or was created. like a house came by magic or just somehow appeared without a creator GOD. ive got hundred more evidence that God exist

      • jadon foster says:

        You said don’t use the bible to prove you are wrong? Do you want us to use your sources to prove you are wrong? The Bible is the oldest document that shows us what happened back then. Are you able to prove that God did not create the Heavens and the Earth? Are you the God who walked the Earth while it was formless and empty? No, you are merrily a human, your sources can not be made true just because it is your belief.

        Would you like to have an argument through inductive reasoning of why God is the creator of the Heavens and Earth? If so reply.

    • Smarter than Bryan says:

      I know you’re probably really ignorant so I’ll make this as dumbed down as possible. 1. You resort to name calling and acting like 3 yr old when he proves you wrong, 2. If you read the bible it says nothing about people going to hell, it just says that they will die and not get into heaven. 3. You can’t use the bible as proof for KNOWING that God exists the exact way you believe. That right there is just being idiotic. YOU should READ the book your defending. We have more proof that God doesn’t exist than you do that God does. Please show us the proof. You have must have proof since YOU KNOW. Why would you keep proof like that to yourself?

    • Bill says:

      People say they know God is real no matter what anybody says. I’m just wondering were the proof is that God is real?

      • Thomas says:

        Wow. You must be really ignorant for believing in some invisible man who barely lifts a finger to plague, war, and all that other stuff. Here you go believing in some book made to control us in the Middle Ages. It’s is deluded. Ima state it again: Jero Jones has quite a good amount of evidence, along with some other sites. Try 50 proofs why the bible is fake. Also insults will get you nowhere. You just make yourself sound 7.

        It’s a story people. Get over it.

      • jess says:

        the world around u- as in nature

  90. mwmccollum says:

    Truthsayer, you can not argue with people who believe in religion, they have found comfort in that. they will always find ways to justify the writtings, thus so many religions. You can take comfort in knowing their are many of us that share in your rationale.

  91. Jero Jones says:

    What truth and eternity are you on about when you say, and I quote you: ‘Bill, he won’t accept the truth, just leave him alone It’s him that’s gonna burn in eternity, not us.’ You have no proof of truth or the existence of eternity. All you have is faith, and faith is not truth, check out the English dictionary. For you to claim truth, you would have to know someone who had been in eternity or seen it with you own eyes. You are probably a Creationist with a distorted and a perverse view of the natural world, and a belief in the Ussher chronology that the earth is just 6019 years old as from 2015.
    Jero Jones

  92. Bryan says:

    Jesus said that he was God

    “I and my Father are one.” John 10:30

    Dinosaurs not mentioned in the Bible?
    New evidence proves that dinosaurs were alive just a few thousand years ago,not a few million. Look it up.An actually yes,dinosaurs were mentioned in the Bible,just not by the name “dinosaur”.remember that the word “dinosaur” was not around back then,as it wad invented in the 1800’s I believe.

    Why did Jesus pray to God if he was God ?
    To understand Jesus as God on earth praying to His Father in heaven, we need to realize that the eternal Father and the eternal Son had an eternal relationship before Jesus took upon Himself the form of a man. Please read John 5:19-27, particularly verse 23 where Jesus teaches that the Father sent the Son (also see John 15:10). Jesus did not become the Son of God when He was born in Bethlehem. He has always been the Son of God from eternity past, still is the Son of God, and always will be.

    Dead God?
    NOPE.This is probably the most repeated answer on earth:Jesus died but rose again from the grave.Just cause you can’t do it doesn’t mean he can’t.

    Behavior unworthy of a God?
    How do you know that a God can’t act like that?Are you a God? No,and I KNOW your not a God (Don’t try and give me that bullcrap “but you don’t know that” and “what if I am” cause your not.

    God don’t answer prayers
    He does,your just to blind to see it

    To Mike (down):
    Man edits the bible translates it to different languages and words,but the still mean the same thing.sometimes people get confused because the version that they have don’t add up.

    Buddha never claimed he was God.
    Moses never said he was Yahweh (Hebrew for God I believe)
    Mohammed didn’t say he was Allah(God)
    Nowhere you will find that zoroaster said he was Ahura Mazada,
    Yet Jesus,the carpenter from Nazareth, said he was.

    • Carl says:

      The Bible mentions two dinosaurs by name and describes them in great detail. “Behemoth” (Job 40:15-24) and “Leviathan” (Job 41:1-34)

      some of gods greatest gift are unanswered prayers

      And nothing in life is free, even from God, if your not willing to do your part, you won’t get what your asking for.

      The Council of Nicaea did corrupt the books of the bible though many books were removed and translations changed to fit a new era with changing views on things. These changes would and hard to do today even though its still done. King James had text added to the bible as if from the mouth of Jesus himself make divorce ok as long as it is in writing and the woman is shamed.

      And there is proof that the word is much younger and scientist would have you believe.

      the old testament is easier to prove than the new….

    • Thomas says:

      You zealots are making me lose brain cells. Really. That book contradicts itself. It is a fantasy. Try praying for a change. Preferably something outlandish. After all, God does say he answers all prayers from believers. I have yet to see one actual diehard prayer answered. More falsified evidence of the bible’s truth is given by Jero Jones. I suggested a site that helps back me up, look at it.

  93. Mike says:

    After reading bills arguments I feel that some of my brain cells have died. Here are a few observations I have noticed;

    1. If the bible is the word of god in its utmost glory, then why can Man edit the bible.

    2. Why did he put the apple in the garden to begin with. if you have a child would you poison some baby food and leave it in the same room as it and say don’t eat it???

    3. If god is all knowing then why does he test peoples faith if he already knows the answer

    4. What has god got against sea life, throughout the bible it constantly says and he kills x amount of sea life . What have the fish done to deserve that!

    5. Why was the books of the bible wrote around 100 years after the events in them happened. If all these miracles were happening don’t you think people would have wrote about it during the time they happened and why is there very little other written documentation of these events other than in the bible??

    6. No mention of dinosaurs even tho there is plenty of evidence they existed. Go to any national history museum

    7. The bible mention man should not lay with another man, but if god made all animals then why are there documented cases of homosexual animals

    8. Compared to other religions Christianity is relatively new so what makes it the true religion compared to Ancient Greek gods or the Aztecs???

    9. Christianity has caused more wars and death than any atheist has.

    And last but my favourite, it says god made the heavens and the earth, then he made light. I can’t even make toast in compleat darkness let alone a planet and heavens. Try decorating you house in the dark then turn the lights on and see if your happy with the results!!! Also if the first thing god made was the earth then why are there galaxies that are older than our earth or even our solar system if he made the stars after earth???

    I’m sorry but religion has had it’s hay day but it’s time to step aside and let the age of science and technology take over, for if it was down to religion we would never know such natural beauty’s the Hubble telescope has observed like the black eyed galaxy or the Sombrero Galaxy or even super nova 1987a. So let’s all stop re fairing to an outdated book and start looking to the future and how we can help benefit everyone, not just those who believe in this questionable book!!

    • jess says:

      no1. cos time change(thou to the)
      2. freedom of choice. would u want the peops to be like robots. and adam and eve is not a baby. god has put a good and bad side in them to let them decide to die or not.
      3. so people themselves can find out if they have faith.
      4. where in the bible?
      5. some r written after some before.
      6. yes there is in job. u just didn’t bother look it up.
      7. animals have free choise of mates too. something wrong with the animal maybe.
      8. Christianity started when the universe was born.
      9. yes but true Christians do not go to war like most jehovahs witnesses.
      10. if u wanna live read matt 24:14.
      only god knows the answer to your weird brain

  94. Marcin Marek Lewandowski says:

    About the words no one heard. Indeedoo, no one heard them to right them then and there. However, just as Paul and the Apostles described things in their letters they could not have possibly known or witness on their own, such as Peter describing demons chained in Tartarus, so authors of Gospels received things you mentioned the same way, by revelation within via gift of the holy spirit. Or it could be that Jesus resurrected told them about it because it says at the end of John that many things he said and did RESURRECTED that were not written there. As for your problems with Jesus dying or having no knowledge or praying to God, welll since Jesus was NOT God – not a problem. Jesus “became” God in the 4th century by the creed of the roman catholic church, where they created a Trinity, which, too, is fiction. There is ONE singular God and Jesus i His Sonwhich he also said he was. Any questions, hit me up, later

  95. Just your Typical Non-Idiot says:

    I’m afraid you’re terribly wrong. Either you blind yourself to the contexts and culture of Judaism or you are intentionally leading others astray.


    For the last “witness” you call to the stand, “My God, My God, Why have You forsaken Me?” you claim that Jesus is a whining God. Jesus is quoting the scriptures. WHERE IS THAT IN THE SCRIPTURES? Even at his lowest point, he exerts the utmost authority over the Torah.


    Next order of business- each gospel was written for a different purpose- ABSOLUTELY AGREE. Matthew was for Jewish Christians and Luke was for Greek Gentiles if I recall correctly. Each quote of the New Testament is not intended to be absolute truth. It is symbolism and cultural applications used to help early people relate to Jesus’ story and understand it.


    Lastly, you’re asking “How is this possible? How am I to believe x quote?” The Bible was not written with the word “How” in mind. In Eastern culture, the intent and focus is “Why.” Within my above stated facts, you can find reason in all your “irrationalities” found in the Bible.


    You are blind to the perspective of the Bible’s writers and their intents, focusing solely on your culture. This is what we call eisegesis, but the intent of the Bible is to perform Exegesis. I find, therefore, logical fallacy in all of your “points of fact” due to the barriers against truth you consciously erect.

    I am 15 years old, and I have just ripped your argument to shreds.


    Consider revising your uppity self-view. Come to terms with the man in the mirror instead of imagining he’s better than he really is.


  96. Proverbs 31 ~ Bella says:

    Clearly you have no degree in , Apologetics, Semantics, Ancient Biblical History, Archeology, Greek and Arabic necessary and Theology!! You see if you want to claim you know Science then you study in depth Science that is reasonable . Sorry all I see here is complete and utter ignorance of God’s word as is the usual . Shame on you !

    • You are correct I have no degree in any of those disciplines you mention. I am not ignorant of “God’s word”. I probably know more about passages in the Bible than you do. But what I am challenging is that anything that appears in the Bible is “God’s Word”. I think that many of my observations prove that the clap-trap in the Wholly Babble could not be the words of an omniscient, omnipotent, loving, merciful God.

      I am bemused by the idea of a degree in “Apologetics”. What a worthless degree – how to apologize and twist the Bible’s passages to accommodate the obvious misstatement of facts and contradictions and malevolence of God so that it makes sense to those we can fool with hand waving and double-speak. Why would anyone want a worthless degree in that?

      Shame on you for not seeing that.

      • marie says:

        thank you for pointing out this valid info, god is a complete contradiction. where was god when i was raped at 6 years old abouse at 9 and again raped at 12, as i am only 13 right now. where was god when my mother was raped, were was god when a boy frome school used profanities and when his sister almost beat me to my death, where was god during war. hwere was god during hitlers era or during the black plauge? where is he now, if he was real the world would have less issue, we would all be equal! but no god is not here and never was. it has even been proven that the bible is only a theory so believe what you will but it is a lost cause for jesus and god are only a thought

      • jadon foster says:

        Supreme Truthsayer says this, Supreme Truthsayer says that. What makes you more valid than God? In the end we are dead… for eternity. Where do you find your hope? The answer is you have none! The outcome of this arguement is we both die, and either im going to heaven, and your going to hell;or we will both return to dust!

        It is illogical to not want hope.

  97. What does this have to do with anthing?

    • DIonte says:

      you dont understand.alot of people wont i think i am one of the view people who do!>..u might not believe what im sayin but they are playing pernounced kno one knows…that j..IS actually a T>>and its TEzus CRI..not jesus chirst..the bible..was meant to be instructino for use living out our days they made it into a experiment years and years ago..dont wanna say it but started with only blacks white and mexicans..all the other races we have..there alll of use..mostly black tho no lie….where are slaves.chemical trails.experiments..and we dont even kno it……..the bible is a big lie..and the black people have alot to do with it..where spose to be the watchers of earth..and our people use to kno that..but most of them where killed.and the new generations new nothing of what happend…we arent spose to work..its slavery u t hink we and and all that stuff is a sin..guns kill people not people u cant commit suicide with a GUN..its manmade..but who created the first GUN!>.one of the bigest sins.all u can do now is read it and have a tezu cri..i am spose to save my people but so much was done to the bible i really dont kno what to do next but im smarter than most people!>.and it all about uncoding the letter..think about the letters and sound them out alot of letters sound the same..meaning there where made up ,,we cant honestly believe everything in the bible..the white man has been at war with the blacks since the begining and california as alot to do with it..this use to be one big moutain….all the original gangs in la..where made up by white man sorry to say!>.the got the gun all the stuff drugs from them!..taxes pay for drugs to GO into the neighborhoods!

      • DIonte says:

        dont u get it.we are really at the end of person can end it doin what thing that im spose to do!>…not by hand tho!

    • DIonte says:

      think about it..he couldnt have died for are sins back than..where is he after that he could be with use in that case..bro..i kno what im saying..and im here now..And im not spose to save human intity

    • lindsay says:

      Come on, she’s 13 years old. Cut her some slack! It says “New evidence? Comments? on the bottom, and that’s what she did. She commented. And she agreed with you and thanked you for pointing some things out. I feel like her comment added to the discussion. (But that’s just me) I give her credit for being only 13 and looking around and seeing how something is definently amiss by looking at the christians’ definition of god vs the god we experience (or don’t experience) in the real world, which is more than most adult christians have the guts (or intelligence) to do.

    • jess says:

      theres no reply thing at the bottom of maries. so..
      as I said the devilc ontrols the world for more info

    • jadon foster says:

      would you like to know?

      or will you harden your heart like the Pharaoh Ramses in Exodus?

  98. John says:

    Acts 7:56

  99. Bill says:

    Science has nothing to do with peoples own theories and that’s what all this billions of years ago talk is.. One’s own personal theory !
    This is all just a theory and has nothing to do with scientists at work. Also 99 percent of theories are never close to right, making this a bad direction to turn in the first place.
    What’s really stupid about this theory is that not long over 100 years ago we were getting around on horse and cart “yet” we been evolving for billions of years ? Surely that must tell you something about these personal theories.
    At the rate of which human beings advance in technology this does not even remotely come close to the evolution theory, “Not Remotely”
    So how can we have evolved over those sort of figures and be here just thriving in technology now, unless of course we have not been here as long as that, this is one spot were the Bible supersedes this ridiculous theory, and any other theory. The Bible represents the time which humans started here on Earth which makes perfectly good timing to our advancement in this time.

    Just know this, It would take hundreds of thousands of years for the smallest changes to humans to take effect in terms of evolution, “HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS” if that could happen. The thing is we just haven’t been here that long, the technology would be unbelievable if we had been here that long. So the theory of evolution can be swept straight out the door as “make believe” which we all know it is, theory is basically a short word for make believe !

    • 1. “Just know this, It would take hundreds of thousands of years for the smallest changes to humans to take effect in terms of evolution, “HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS” if that could happen.”

      2. “The thing is we just haven’t been here that long,”

      You are correct on point one and once again you make my point.

      You are wrong about point two. The earth is over 3 Billion years old as proven by the age of rocks. The age of the rocks is proven by radiometric dating techniques which you must prove to be invalid before you can say the earth isn’t 3 Billion years old. There has been time for us to evolve.

      Homo Sapiens began evolving from that of chimpanzees about five million years ago as proven by fossils and DNA.

      You cannot just say “it ain’t so”. You have to prove that the techniques scientists use to determine age and evolution are wrong! Your words mean nothing. Where is your proof?

      You are also ignorant about what the word theory means. In the scientific world (about which your ignorance is complete), the word theory means an established and accepted explanation of a natural phenomena. Do you believe in the theory of gravity? Do you believe in the theory of Germs? Whether you believe it or not, those theories completely explain certain natural events.

      Get some education Bill, you need it.

      • Bill says:

        You have totally miss-understood what I have said, (maybe deliberately I don’t know).. We have not been here that long meaning us humans, and if we had been here that long things would obviously be a lot different then what you see today. What you have seen in just a few thousand years humans have gone from no technology at all to the advanced technology you see now, and this is something that has been witnessed, this is not a scientific theory ! Just absolute fact.

        As far as the earth goes who knows what it was made from, or how it was done. It is likely matter that has been around forever, it’s impossible to date the earth on the matter it is made from.

        So get this (Mr.. Educated), if it takes 100 thousand years for a human to slightly evolve, that being the case if that was at all possible, than we would no doubt be so much further advanced in technology then we are now. There is absolutely no doubt about it ! So what you are saying is we have been around for this period of time but just now in the last few thousand years we picked up technology ? That would have to be the biggest load of garbage flow from any bodies mouth, that’s your theory and some other peoples theory but not the majorities theory. So I guess your theory is not as established as you think ?

        I think I will keep my kids away from education after reading your garbage.

        What scientists find are monkey bones, then they call them special names and add theories to them. Things like: This was a human 3 million years ago ! What they don’t say and know they should also say is It could be in fact a type / breed of monkey that has nothing to do with our evolution theory, but because they believe in evolution they will push it that way.

        Your obviously well over educated buddy so get out from behind the desk and go do some physical work, and keep away from any further education please !

      • Carl says:


    • Jero Jones says:

      Hi Bill
      I thought after see you comment I would take pen to paper and send you a rebuttal even though your comment is a year old. First I have been researching (Christianity/and my own nation’s) history for more than five decades, now in my retirement I research 24/7. Evolution vs Time as per the Bible, and the architect for aging the earth from the Bible, is James Ussher (1581-1656), Archbishop of Armagh, and head of the Church of Ireland, who calculated and dated (Ussher’s Chronology) the birth of the earth, as the evening of 23rd October 4004 BCE. This date has been seized on by Young Earth Creationist (YEC) and other fundamental Christians. Ussher’s chronology would in 2015, would make the earth’s age as 6,019! Compare this to what science dates the earth at 4.54 ± 0.05 billion years (4.54 × 109 years ± 1%) or 4,540,000,000. Which as a fraction of Science ÷ Ussher’s chronology = 4.54 X 109 ÷ 6019, would make Ussher’s calculations on age to be equal to 1 part in 754,278.11928891842498753945838179. As you see there is a huge age gap difference, also the discipline of geology combined with the various sciences, all agree with Old Earth theory and evolutions of human/primate (homo) evolution. Modern man is made-up of European (caucasians), African, Asian to the Oriental, etc., with hundreds of nations and languages, all differs from each other. With peoples of fair, brown, yellow, olive and black skin tones, etc.
      [] The time limit of the Bible theory would not give the time for all these varieties of peoples to evolve, with their differing ethnicities, languages, cultures, etc., as aforementioned. It is also advisable to look up world nations, as of 2015, which will help in evaluating man’s time on earth. []
      In addition, we must not forget what has past in time, Dinosaurs, and ancient sea creatures, whose skeletal remains have turned to stone, and various kinds of crustaceans that are found in the rocks of great mountains of the world. Creatures that at one time inhabited the seafloor millions of years ago! All this has been radiocarbon dated, and even with an error of 10% out on dating, would not change the time span by much, just a few million years out of the billions of years the earth has been revolving and evolving.
      Jero Jones

      • Karlos says:

        Hi Jero Jones. I hope you are well ?
        I’ve been reading most of your posts and hold you in great respect. Are you still about as I understand this was your last post ?

      • Jeremy Jones says:

        Hi Karlos
        Sorry for the delay as I can only get use of a computer once a week at the moment, but come the New year I should be back home and raring to get back to my biblical polemicist projects. Thank you for your concern about my health, age and diabetes is does not help my situation, but thanks anyway.
        Regards Jero Jones

      • jess says:

        can anyone help me answer the question for school. can science contradict with the bible regarding its prophesis

    • Bill says:

      Our huge technology advancement has only really been in the last few hundred years. Evolution can be like riding a bike. It might take some time to figure it out but once you do the next thing you know your racing down the street jumping off the curb and riding with no hands. Look at touch screen devises. Took thousands, maybe millions of years for someone to figure out how to do it but once they did now it’s everywhere. To say our advancement as a species is right on target with the timeline of the Bible is rubbish.

  100. Bill says:

    Well blind Freddy would know praying is a hopeless scenario otherwise life here on Earth now would be a place of paradise for all believers praying today, would it not ?

    What about all the people starving in Ethiopia praying on the hands & knee’s for food.. If that verse was true they would obviously have it would they not ?

    You should also note that people are gullible things that easily adopt anything they are told if somebody is convincing or head strong about what they are telling. Ordinary everyday sales people can convince most shoppers into buying something they don’t really want or need. Many people are also very superstitious which is also a big NO NO.

    There for the Bible is being misunderstood by a great deal of people. It is absolutely blatantly obvious that the verse (John 14:14) has no place here on Earth in todays generation.
    It does not take Einstein to work this out does it ! Do you really think using your own brain to work the truth out is not a good idea ?

    Instead of throwing the towel in and telling yourself this is garbage you really should be telling yourself I obviously don’t understand the Bible.

    So now you have learnt something from studying.. The verse John 14:14 can only be meant for a time previous to us because we know blatantly outright it does not exist with us in todays world.

    So the conclusion can only be that this verse cannot be meant for our generation and was meant for a time previous. That does not mean throw the towel in and not believe, It is quite possible here you are reading parts of the Bible that are not intended for our generation but for a time previous, would it not ?


    • Billy, Billy, Billy,

      Thank you for proving my point! Prayers are not answered, therefore the bible is wrong. Since it is supposed to be perfect (word of god, etc., etc., etc.) just one falsehood falsifies the whole thing. You got it.Thank you.

      But… what’s this you say “The verse John 14:14 can only be meant for a time previous to us because we know blatantly outright it does not exist with us in todays world. What time previous to us did everyone have their prayers answered? Surely it would have been recorded – “Extra, Extra, Read All About It, God answers every believers prayers exactly as they ask”.

      If you dismiss John 14:14 by saying it has no place here on Earth, then what other parts of the Bible “has no place here on Earth in today’s generation”? I say none of it has any place here on earth in today’s generation. It is all myth and lore and it is time for people to seek truth.

      • Bill says:

        So what do you believe ?

        We were created ?


        We came to get here in the middle of absolutely nowhere with a sun and moon and everything else by evolutions mysterious wonders ?

        Even I think about why God allows for Jesus to be crucified the way he was as said in the Bible, it simply means crucifixion is fine if doing for good purpose. All in all it is accepted by God, that’s quite upsetting in itself, this is were I don’t have a strong understanding in the Bible, not that I could ever study from a book anyway.

        Now my biggest problem is us humans are as evil as the lions and tigers are to their prey. We gut each other in constant fighting that never ends, why is it we are so evil to each other ? It’s easy to turn the TV on and see animals killing each other and think WoW they are cruel and stupid things, but how is mankind against each other when a war breaks out any different. One war after the other it never ever ends, history reveals nothing but war between humans and the future reveals the exact same thing. It’s quite amazing how true the Bible is when it says we are under strong evil influence.

        Then again we have the Bible say you can receive whatever you ask for in prayer ? We know that the good priests praying on the Titanic drowned, we know that all prayers never get answered unless it’s just coincident, and this gives us a majority of people who have had their prayers answered, but through coincident they believe it was real.
        I am a little stuck on why the Bible says this because I know that nobody can pray for what they want and have it ?

        The worst of my problems is religions having completely different findings in the Bible from each other. There is nothing worse than having one religion believe this and another believe that and yet they are reading the same Bible ? This is very concerning but also recognizes the Bible is possibly being fudged for their own glory. How can any person join a religion without knowing the Bible inside out themselves ? No religion is the same so who is telling lies ? 100’s of religions based on the Bible all with different teachings, that’s got to be very concerning to anybody right ?

        Anyway I still believe in creation, although I would never advise anybody to believe any one religion because we all know only one out of those hundreds can be right, that’s if there is one ? So the chances of joining a religion to find God are not the best step to take when you see it this way. The best step and only step is to pick up the Bible and study it yourself, or together with people you love or trust.

        So I cannot answer why the prayer stuff does not work, but stick around & let me work on it. Maybe I can find a reason for this one in time, or at least a reason how this was misinterpreted.


      • I believe Evolution explains how we developed from cyanobacteria using a process that took over 3.8 billion years; approximately 1 Billion years after our solar system was formed from cosmic dust. See for a complete explanation of that. I do not know how the first cyanobacteria came to be.

        Evolution has nothing to do with the cosmos. I believe that our entire universe was created 13.8 billion years ago by the Big Bang. I don’t know what initiated the Big Bang.

        I have proven that the Bible is so wrong about so much. Why do you continue to read it. Read some science instead.

        Here is a link to an article that totally and compellingly refutes every creationist argument.

      • marie says:

        thank you supreme truthsayer becaus ethe bible is a theory only lost people or ignorant people look to

      • Bryan says:

        I hope you enjoy hell.I’d rather you find the truth and accept it,but it seem like you won’t.

      • jess says:

        peoples prayers are sometimes not answered cos its to no benefit. peoples prayers answered r recorded in jw yearbook.

  101. Bill says:

    Maybe the word “Generation” had a different understanding to how you have explained. From my understanding this generation means “this generation of mankind that has sinned”. So in other words we are still that generation of mankind and some of us here will not taste death.

    I hope this clears it up and you can see how in depth the this can be. You cannot say you are right with your explanation as the Bible has been interpreted and sometimes not correctly, although it has always been taught to me we are the generation of sinners and some of us born on Earth will never experience death.

    • You nit! You can’t spin your way out of the words of Jesus by saying that “generation” doesn’t mean exactly what it meant in the context of the people he was talking to. If you had been them, you would have thought he was talking about YOUR generation; wouldn’t you.

      Here…. spin this one:

      Whatever you ask in my name, I will do it, that the Father may be glorified in the Son; if you ask anything in my name, I will do it.

      John 14:14

      Explain why my born again wife’s prayer that there be no more birth defects hasn’t been answered. She has been praying it daily for years.

      • milton says:

        hahaha, this is not a simple english sentence. The answer for your prayer depends on the faith you have in jesus. its not easy for 99.9999% of people to ask something with 100% faith. Assume you are praying that you should not be killed by fire and you are trying to get into a furnace, if you dont doubt 0.0000000001 percent and get into it, you will not be killed. But thats not easy as you expect.

      • Carl says:

        Your looking at it all wrong…..something is not a defect if it is done on purpose. God purposely allows for so called ‘birth defects’, to open peoples hearts back up, to pull out the suppressed emotions and to bring families closer together.


        Existing studies indicate that having an infant with a serious health condition or health risk increases the likelihood that parents divorce

        Corman, H., & Kaestner, R. (1992) The effects of child health on marital status and family structure. Demography, 29, 389–408.

        Mauldon, J. (1992) Children’s risks of experiencing divorce and remarriage: Do disabled children destabilize marriages? Population Studies, 46, 349–362.

        Swaminathan, S., Alexander, G., Boulet, S. (2006). Delivering a very low birth weight infant and the subsequent risk of divorce or separation. Maternal and Child Health Journal, 10, 473–479.


      • jess says:

        is she praying throught jesus name? to GOD the true GOD. does she have real faith?

    • Bryan says:

      Bill,he won’t accept the truth,just leave him’s him that’s gonna burn for all eternity,not us.

      Who’s gonna burn in hell? Me? But wait, I thought God loved me. Surely He wouldn’t burn me in hell just because He made me unable to believe. Perhaps God sent me a strong delusion; that’s not my fault then is it.
      2 Th.2:11-12
      God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned.

      OR, it’s entirely possible that I was not one whom…according to the good pleasure of his will.
      He hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love: Having predestined us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will.

      There are many other biblical passages that point to predestination which then is God’s word. So, I’m gonna burn in hell and it’s because God wants me to even though he loves me. Does that make sense to you?

      • Eugene williams says:

        Same old lame threat huh Bryan ?? Believe or your ass gets burned…LMAO

      • jess says:

        genesis or exdos says to dust u are and to dust u r to return. no hell or heaven.

      • Anonymous says:

        John 16:12-15 ESV / 99 helpful votes

        “I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come. He will glorify me, for he will take what is mine and declare it to you. All that the Father has is mine; therefore I said that he will take what is mine and declare it to you.
        “Do you know that JESUS say that you cannot bear them now,and spirit of truth comes,do you know that the ‘spirit of truth in arabic is Al-Haqq which one of prophet muhammad s.a.w. and you should follow what jesus say which mean you have to follow prophet muhammad s.a.w. Which is islam.If you want more answer you have to search on youtube “Doctor Zakir Naik or Ahmed deedat or Yusuf estet.There were all authority on comparative religion.Hope this will help you brother.

      • Anonymous says:

        I’m sorry that Spirit of truth in arabic is al-haqq which one of prophet muhammad s.a.w. titles

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